Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 1.djvu/322

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Of the proliferous division, the forms are more numerous and less easily distinguished, but may perhaps be reduced to three, distinguished by the form and relative number of leaflets — 1st. B. (Oxalis) proliferwn (Arn.) leaves and leaflets small, 8- 14 pairs, rachis (mid-rib of the whole leaf) about 1 inch or 1| inch in length — Ceylon, in woods — 2d. B. intermedium (R. W.) leaflets much larger, 14-20 pairs : rachis from 2 to 4 inches long. — Ceylon aid Courlallum, shadtj woods. The leaflets of this are as large as those of B. Candolianum — 3d. B. polyphyllum (Mun : MSS.) leaflets from 30 to 40 pairs, minute, attenuated towards the apex, bristle pointed, (tab. 62, fis?. 10) rachis from 2 to 3 inches in length. — Neilgfierries — Messrs. Munro and Gough. There is yet a fourth form of this division, which may be called B. vprticeltatum, in which the tufts of leaves in place of terminating the branches form verticels round the very diffuse slender stems. — Courtallum in very dense thickets. The foliage of this form is intermediate between B. polyphyllum and intermedium, having the small obliquely pointed hairy leaflets of the former, and the smaller number of pairs, 20 to 30, of the latter.

Of these different forms I shall make it my endeavour to publish figures in my Icones, leaving the question whether they are species or varieties still undecided for future observers to investigate.


1. Byophitum Candolianum, (R. W.) natural size.
2. Calyx, ovary, styles and stamens.
3. Corolla, the petals partially cohering.
4. Shorter stamens, back and front views.
5. One of the longer stamens with its attached scale.
6. Ovary divided vertically.
7. - - transversely, 5-celled.
8. Leaflets of B. Candolianum.
9. - - B. sensitivum.
10. - - B. polyphyllum.


Much difference of opinion seems to exist among Botanists as to the place in the series of orders this one ought to occupy. Jussieu placed the genus Connarus among the Terebinthacece, DeCandolle retains it and the other genera composing order in the same family, forming of them his tribe Connaracece. Brown first proposed its separation as a distinct family, in which he has been followed by most modern writers, who generally retain it among the perigynous orders placing it between Terebinthacece and Leguminosece, to some of the extreme forms of the latter of which orders, the character of its fruit nearly allies it. Dr. Brown however states it as his belief, in which I perfectly coincide, that the insertion of the floral appendages is hypogynous and not perigynous.

This opinion of the highest living Botanical authority, further confirmed by personal examination, induced Dr. Arnott, contrary to the general practice, to bring it here. The propriety of this arrangement there seems, at first sight, some reason to question, but it derives so much support from the hypogynous insertion of the stamens, and the 5-celled ovaries, on a gynobase, of Rouria and Cnestis, in both of which respects they so closely approach Zanthoxylacece, as scarcely to leave a doubt of the propriety of the change, notwithstanding the 1-celled ovary of Connarus.

The following amended character was drawn up by Dr. Arnott for our Prodromus.

"Flowers bi- (rarely uni) sexual. Calyx 5-partite, regular, persistent, aestivation imbricate or valvular. Petals 5, equal, inserted into the base of the calyx. Stamens twice as many as the petals, rarely with half of them sterile, hypogynous: filaments usually combined at their base into a glandular ring. Ovaria simple and solitary, or several and distinct : ovules in pairs, collateral, ascending: styles terminal, continuous with the central angle of the carpels : stigmas obtuse, usually dilated. Capsules 1 -5, dehiscing longitudinally at the ventral suture. Seeds solitary, erect, sometimes with an arillus. Albumen none, or fleshy. Radicle superior, at the opposite extremity from the hilum : cotyledons thick when there is no albumen, foliaceous in those with it. — Trees or shrubs without resinous juices. Leaves compound, alternate, not dotted, exstipulate."

Affinities. The affinities have been indicated above so far as they are known, but still there is some room to doubt whether they are yet. well understood — on which account I will not occupy further space in the discussion of this question.