Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/125

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Subtribus II. Azorelleae.

Tribus VII. Disaspidospermy s Biscutaty. Fructus a latere lenticulari compressus, mericarpiis utriculatis jugatis, jugis primariis aut simul secundariis costatis, filiformibus.

Subtribus XII. Hydrocotyleae. Hydrocotyle. — Subtribus 13. Xanthosieae.

Tribus VIII. Plkurospkrm.e s Costatis. Fructus teretiusculus aut latere contractus sub- didymus, mericarpiis utriculatis quinquejugatis, jugis costatis saepe filiformibus, nonnunqua mar- gutis subalati3ve aut raro obtusissimis subobliteratis.

Subtribus XIV. Ammineae. Bupleurum, Ptychotis, Pimpinella, Helosciadium. Subtribus XV. Seselineae. Fasniculum, Seseli

Tribus IX. Apleurospermy s Ecostaty. Fructus prismaticus aut teretiusculus, meri- carpiis utrinque ejugatis saepissime squamis, vesiculis aculeisve tectis.

Subtribus XVI. Eryngieae. Sanicula.

Tribus X. Heterospermy. Fructus constans mericarpiis duobus utriculatis jugatis, figura et proportione inaequalibus.

Subtribus XVII. Heterospermeae.

Subordo II. Monocarpe^e. Fructus constans utriculo constanter solitario monospermo nado, aut saepissime abortu monospermo et involucro pseudopericarpium uniloculare mentiente incluso.

Tribus II. Monospermy. Fructus constans utriculo solitario monospermo, non incluso. Subtribus XVIII. Actinoteae.

Tribus XII. Angiosphkmy. Fructus saepissime abortu monospermus, involucro pseudop. ericarpium uniloculare mentiente inclusus. Subtribus XIX. Eohinophoreae.


Pastinaca ligusticifolia 5. Ripe mericarps ready to fall,

1. Flowering branch, natural size. 6-7. Detached mericarps, back and front views.

2. A flower, front view. 8. A mericarp cut transversely, showing the position

3. The same, petals and stamens removed showing the of tne ridges.

calyx and ovary. 9. Cut longitudinally showing the minute embryo at

4. Stamens, back and front views. the apex of the seed.


Exhibiting analysis of tribes of Umbelliferce, found in Southern India— See, DeCandolle's Conspectus above.

I. Hydrocotyleae — Hydrocotyle polycephnla. 1. Flower, natural size. — 2. The same, magnified. — 3. Stamens.— 4. Meiicarps. — 5. The same cut vertically. — 6. Cut transversely.

II. Sanicule*: — Sanicula elata. 1. A corolla and limb of the calyx detached from the echinate calyx tube, magnified. — 2. The entire flower, the corolla nearly concealed by the prickles of the calyx tube.— 3. Ovary after the fall of the corolla, and a de- tached petal. — 4. Stamens.— 5. Fruit cut vertically. — 6. Cut transversely. — 7. A mericarp cut longitudinally, showing the pendulous seed.

HI. Ammtne.k — Ptychotis ajowan. 1. A flower, magnified. — 2. The same, the petals and stamens removed and a detached petal. — 3. Stamens. — 4. Ripe mericarps. — 5. A mericarp cut transversely.— 6. Cut longitudinally, showing the minute embryo in the apex of the large albumen.

IV. Skselineje — Fceniculum vulgari.

1. Side view of the flower. — 2. Front view.— 3. Sta- mens — 1. Mericarps.— 5. The same cut transversely.

6. A mericarp cut longitudinally.— 7. Embryo detached.

V. Peucidanr/e — Heracleum rigens.

1 . A flower the petals removed, one of them shown detached. — 2. Stamens. — 3. Ovary. — 4. A nearly ma- ture fruit.— 5. A mericarp, inside view.— 6. The same cut transversely, showing the ridges and vittse. -7. Seed detached from the pericarp.— 8. The same cut longitu- dinally, showing the embryo.— 9. Embryo detached.

VI. Ccmineje — Cuminum cyminum.

1. A fruit, natural size.~2. Mature mericarps sepa- rated, and .showing the forked carpophore.— 3 Fruit cut transversely.— 4. A mericarp dissected to show the em- bryo.— 5. Detached mericarp.— 6. Seed removed from the pericarp.— 7. The same divided longitudinally,— 8. Detached embryo.