Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/190

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roughish. — Shrubs or herbs often climbing. Leaves op- posite often united between themselves by a transverse projection. Capitula spicate, racemose, corymbose, or panicled. Involucre 4-leaved, with bracts at or below the base. Tube of the corolla short, dilated, campanu- late at the throat, white or pale yellow. Anthers sub- exserted. Penang and Eastern Islands generally.

Sub-tribe. Tdssilagene^:. Capitula heterogamous or dioicous.

  • Capitula radiate. Ray florets ligulate female, disk

ones tubular male.

12. Tussilago (Toum. D. C. Prod. 5-208). Capitula many-flowered, heterogamous. Ray several series, nar- row ligulate, female ; flowers of the disk few, tubular, male ; limb campanulate, 5-toothed. Achaenia of the ray oblong, cylindrical, glabrous, of the disk, abortive. — Perennial herbs. Leaves produced after flowering. Scape scaly, 1-cephalous. Involucre 1 series. Flowers yellow. Himalayas.

Tribe III. Asteroideje.

Sub-tribe I. AsteriwejE. Capitula homo or heteroga- mous usually radiate. Anthers ecaudate, leaves almost always alternate.

Div. II. Astereje. Capitula heterogamous, radiate. Receptacle epaleaceous, naked, alveolate, or flmbriliferous.

  • Achania compressed. Pappus pilose, one or several


13. Aster (Nees. D. C. Prod. 5-226). Capitula radi- ate, flowers of the ray 1 series, fertile ; of the disk her- maphrodite, 5-toothed. Achasnia compressed. Pappus pilose, persistent, several series: bristles scabrous, un- equal, otherwise similar. — Perennial herbs, with alter- nate leaves. Capitula solitary or several, corymbose. Scales of the involucre several series, loosely imbri- cated. Receptacle alveolate; margins of the alveola? more or less dentate. Florets of the ray white, blue, or purplish; of the disk yellow. [This genus seems scarcely admissible into the Indian Flora.]

14. Galatella (Cass. D. C. Prod. 5-254). Capitula radiate, ray 1 series, ligulate, neuter or with abortive female organs, disk hermaphrodite, fertile. Achaenia densely hairy or strigose. Pappus several series, bristles rigid, rough. — Perennial herbs with simple stems, corym- bose at the apex. Leaves alternate, 3-nerved at the base, punctuate. Involucre scales shorter than the disk, imbricated. Receptacle alveolate. Alveolae toothed. Branches of the fertile styles spathulate. Disk yellow, ray blue, purple or white. Himalayas.

15. Caumeris (Nees. D. C. 5-258). Capitula radiate, ray ligulate female, 1 series ; disk hermaphrodite, fertile. Achaenia compressed, rough on the margin. Pappus about 1 series, rough, unequal. — Herbaceous perennials, stems angled, corymbose. Scales of the involucre 2-4 series, herbaceous, loosely imbricated. Receptacle al- veolate, alveolae 4-angled, angles toothed. Florets of the ray white or blue, of the disk yellow. Himalayas, Massurie.

    • Pappus double, exterior series squamose, interior


16. Callistephus, (Cass. D. C. 5-274, R. W. Icon. 1085). Capitula many-flowered; of the ray ligulate, female ; of the disk tubular, hermaphrodite. Achaenia obovate, cuniform, compressed, roughish. Pappus double, each of 1 series; exterior short, paleaceously setace- ous, cohering into a crown; interior long, filiform, rough, deciduous. — Erect, ramous, herbaceous annuals ; branches with a single capitulum on the apex. Invo- lucre 3-4 series. Scales ciliate, obtuse, embraced by foliaceous bracts, shorter than the involucre. Recep- tacle slightly alveolate. Flowers yellow. Frequent in the Southern provinces in cultivated lands.

17. Diplopafpus (Cass. D. C. Prod. 5-275). Capitula many-flowered radiate; florets of the ray 1 series, ligu- late, female ; of the disk hermaphrodite, 5-toothed. Achaenia oblong, compressed. Pappus of the disk and ray double, roughish, exterior short, setulose, interior long, bristly. — Herbs or under shrubs. Involucre scales imbricate. Receptacle flat, sub-foviolate. Ray white, blue or purple, disk yellow. Nepaul, Kemaon.

      • Florets of the ray several series, pappus pilose, 1-2

or several series ; exterior one equal or a little shorter.

18. Follertonia (D. C. Prod. 5-281). Capitula many-flowered heterogamous ; ray several series, narrow ligulate, female ; disk hermaphrodite, 5-toothed. Achae- nia beakless terete, of the ray bald, of the disk crowned with reddish pappus. — Herbs, leaves alternate semi- amplexicaule. Capitula solitary on the ends of the branches and in their axils. Involucre polyphyllous,

1- 2 series, embraced by foliaceous bracts. Receptacle naked. Flowers, from dried specimens, appear to be white or pale yellow. Kemaon.

19. Heterochceta (D. C. 5-282). Capitula many- flowered radiate ; ligulae female, linear, several series ; disk hermaphrodite. Young achaenia compressed? Pappus double, exterior short, paleaceous, interior long bristly, rough. — Pilosely villous, whitish herbs. Capitula solitary, terminal. Scales of the involucre 2-3 series, equal, acuminate. Receptacle naked, punctulate. Flowers of the ray white or purplish. Himalayas.

20. Erigeron (Lin. D. C. 5-283, R. W. Icon. 1090). Capitula many-flowered radiate ; ligulae linear, female, several series ; disk tubular, either all hermaphrodite or with the exterior florets female. Achaenia compressed, beakless. Pappus 1 series. — Herbaceous or sufFruticose ; leaves alternate. Capitula hemispherical. Involucre

2- 3 series. Receptacle naked, foviolately punctate. Florets of the ray white, blue, or purple ; disk yellow. Widely diffused preferring alpine situations.

21. Rhynchospermcm (Reinw. D. C. Prod. 5-296). Capitula many-flowered, radiate ; ligulae 2-3 series, female : disk hermaphrodite. Achaenia compressed, at- tenuated at the base, short beaked. Pappus setose, 1 series ; bristles twisted or inflexed at the apex. — Peren- nial herbs, extreme ramuli verticillate ; leaves alternate. Capitula solitary in the axils of the leaves. Involucre hemispherical, imbricate. Receptacle convex scrobi- culate. Colour of flowers ? Java.