Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/194

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Tribe IV. Seneciomde^:.

Sub-tribe. MELAMPODiNEiE. Flowers unisexual, no hermaphrodites ; male and female in different plants (dioi- cous), or in different capitula of the same plant (hetero- cephalous), or in the same cupilulum (monoicous): anthers ecaudate; receptacle usually paleaceous: pappus never setose.

Div. IV. Melampodieje. Capitula many-floivered, monoicous, radiate. Achania corticate. [By "achania corticate" is meant the achania being wrapped in the scale of the involucre or palea of the receptacle, and so agluti- nated to it that they form a single mass or become one body.]

51. Melampodium (Lin. D. C. Prod. 5-517). Capi- tula many-flowered, monoicous; florets of the ray, 5-10, one series, ligulate, female ; of the disk tubular, male. Achaenia of the disk abortive, of the ray obovate or in- curved, smooth, bald, more or less infolded within the interior scales of the involucre, hence often tubercu- lated, or rugous externally, and crowned at the apex. — Herbs or under-shrubs. Stems dichotomous, leaves op- posite. Pedicels in the forks, 1-cephalous, involucre double, exterior scales 5 or 3, interior as many as there are florets in the ray. Receptacle convex or conical, paleaceous, paleae diaphanous. Flowers yellow. Lucon, Philippines.

Div. V. Ambrosie^:. Capitula male and female in the same plant ; male involucre gamophyllous, many-flower- ed; female 1- or few-flowered. Anthers of the male free. Corolla tubular, sometimes wanting in the male.

52. Xanthium (Tourn. D. C. 5-522, R. W. Icon.

1104) . Capitula monoicous ; male involucre sub-globose, many-flowered, scales free, 1 series; receptacle cylin- drical, paleaceous. Corolla clavate, 5-lobed ; filaments scarcely adnate to the corolla, anthers free. Female, 2 flowers enclosed within a 2-beaked, prickly involucre ; corolla filiform ; stigmas 2, diverging. Achaenia one in each cell of the afterwards indurated involucre. — Her- baceous plants with variously divided leaves. Capitula irregularly glomerate, spicate, males above, females below. [D. C. well remarks of this, "a very abnormal genus among Compositae, referred by Ventenat to Urti- ceas, and by Reichenbach to Cucurbitaceae." But for the venation of the corolla of the male flowers I would coincide with the former. The female has no corolla except the beaks, through an aperture of which the stigmas pass.] A very common weed in waste places among rubbish, &c.

Div. VII. Parthemie-E. Capilida monoicous, radiate. Achania of the ray obcompressed or rarely trigonous. Ligula long, adherent.

53. Moonia (Arnott. D. C. 7, p. 288, R. W. Icon.

1105) . Capitula monoicous ; florets of the ray 1 series, female, ligulate, 3-cleft ; of the disk male. Branches of the style of the female linear, revolute ; style of the male incluse, simple, or slightly cleft at the apex. Achaenia obovate, somewhat compressed, entire or shortly bicornate at the apex. — Shrubs : leaves opposite : peduncles terminal, 1-cephalous. Involucre 2 series, the exterior spreading, recurved, interior erect. Receptacle paleaceous, paleae membranous, 1-nerved. Flowers yel-

low. [Owing to the Neilgherry species differing in several particulars from the Ceylon one, I have slightly modified the character for its admission.] Ceylon, iS T eil- gherries — about the Avalanche and Koondah's abundant.

Sub-tribe. Heliasthe-e. Capitula usually heteroga- mous radiate, or homogamous discoid. Receptacle wholly, or at least the margin paleaceous. Lobes of the corolla of the hermaphrodite florets thick. Pappus none, croivn-liki. or aristate. Anthers blackish, ecaudate.

Div. I. Heliopsidej;. Capitula heterogamous, with ligulate, female ray florets, or discoid. Achania large, usually furnished with thick, adherent bark, never obcom- pressed. Pappus wanting, or crown-likt, or shortly aristulale.

54. Wedelia (Jacq. D. C. 5-538, R. W. Icon. 1106- 7). Capitula heterogamous ; florets of the ray 1 series, ligulate, female; of the disk hermaphrodite, 5-toothed. Branches of the style of the hermaphrodite flowers end- ing in a cone. Achasnia obovate or compressed, beak- less, with a crown or calyx-like pappus. Receptacle paleaceous. — Suffruticose or herbaceous, leaves op- posite. Pedicels terminal or axillary. Involucre 2-3 series, exterior foliaceous. Receptacle paleaceous. Generally diffused over India.

55. Wollastonia (D. C. 5-546, R. W. Icon. 1108). Capitula heterogamous; florets of the ray ligulate, 1 series, female ; of the disk hermaphrodite. Corolla articulated above the ovary. Achaenia thick, obovate. turbinate, or compressed, umbilicate at the apex, or bearing 5 slender aristae. — Suffruticose, usually hispid, leaves opposite, triplinerved. Pedicels at the apices of the branches about 3, one-cephalous. Involucre 2-3 series, exterior foliaceous. Receptacle paleaceous. Flowers yellow. Like the preceding, a widely diffused genus.

56. Guizotia (Cass. D. C. 5-551, R. W. fflust 132). Capitula heterogamous ; ray ligulate, female ; disk her- maphrodite, tubular, 5-toothed, base of the tube of the corolla furnished with a ring of thick jointed hairs. Achaenia smooth. — Herbaceous : flowers large, terminal, pedicelled. Involucre 2 series, foliaceous. Receptacle paleaceous. Flowers yellow. [The only species, G. oleifera (Wight's Illust. tab. 132), is much cultivated in Mysore as an oil plant. It is a widely distributed plant.] Lower Bengal, Mysore.

Div. II. Rudbeckie^:. Capitula heterogamous, ray florets ligulate, sterile. Achania beakless. Pappus none, or crown-like.

57. Sclerocarpus (Jacq. D. C. Prod. 5-566). Capi- tula many-flowered, heterogamous ; ray florets 3, neuter, minute, irregularly ligulate, opposite the inner scales of the involucre; disk ones tubular, hermaphrodite. Cor- olla of the disk persistent, 5-toothed. Anthers scarcely adherent, prolonged at the apex. Branches of the style subulate. Achaenia of the ray abortive; of the disk inclosed within the indurated paleae. — Herbs; stem rough ; leaves alternate, triplinerved. Involucre double ; exterior foliaceous. Receptacle small, convex, the paleae infolding the flowers of the disk and shorter than them. Corolla yellow.