Page:Illustrations of the history of medieval thought and learning.djvu/343

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Henry II, king of England, 112, 187 sq., 299 Henry Murdac, archbishop of York, 165 Heric of Auxerre, 65, 87; cf. 120, 292 Heriger, abbat of Lobbes, 77 n. 12 Hilary, saint, of Poitiers, 113 n. 30, 169 Hildebrand, pope Gregory VII, 199-204; cf. 82, 214, 229, 246 Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims, 46; cf. 39 n. 27 Honorius III, 67 Honorius of Autun, works attributed to, 111, 294-298, 302, 304; cf. 90 n. 31, 106 n. 16 Hugh of Champfleury (bishop of Soissons), 163 Hugh of La Rochefoucauld, bishop of Angoulême, 173 Hugh of Saint Victor, 96; cf. 67, 175, 185, 321

Ingulf, abbat of Croyland, chronicle attributed to, 275, 281 n. 50, 283 285 Innocent II, 134, 136, 144 sq. Innocent III, 217, 219, 221 Innocent IV, 219 Irish culture, diffusion of, 8-16, 22 sq.; cf. 65 n. 26, 66 n. 28, 74 Israel, a Scottish bishop, 74 Italy, schools of, 71-73 Ivo, bishop of Chartres, 99

Jarrow, abbey of, 17 Jerome, saint, 7 n. 3 Jews, the, under Lewis the Pious, 41 Johannitius (Honain ben- Isaac), 296 John XXII, 218, 222, 232, 245 John of Cornwall, 174 n. 35 John of Jandun, 232; cf. 231 n. 10 John of Paris, see Quidort John of Salisbury (bishop of Chartres), 174-197; cf. 93, 98, 110, 137, 310-313: his description of the school of Chartres, 102-106, and of the council of Rheims, 164-169; his political doctrine, 204-210 John the Saxon, abbat of Athelney, 274 sq., 280, 284 John Scotus, 46-68, 87 sqq., 271-285; cf. 12 n. 15, 157, 197 n. 20, 291 sq.: his allegorical treatment of scripture, 40, 54 sq., 57 sq. John Scotus, bishop of Mecklenburg, 284 Jonas, bishop of Orleans, 32 sq., 207 Judith, empress of Lewis the Pious, 41 sq., 64

Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, 73, 90, 95, 99, 101 Laon, school of, 95 sqq.; Abailard at, 122 sqq. Leidrad, archbishop of Lyons, 34 Leo III, 220 Lewis I, the Pious, emperor, 22, 26, 34, 41 sq. Lewis IV, the Bavarian, 230-233, 241, 245 Lille, school of, 93 Livinus, saint, 12 n. 15 Locke, John, 254 n. 13 Lotulf of Novara, 123, 127, 129 Luxeuil, abbey of, 13 Lyons, the wager of battle at, 39

Mailduf at Malmesbury, 13 Malmesbury, abbey of, 13, 17, 49, 279-283 Manegold of Lautenbach, 203 sq.; cf. 200 n. 4, 208 Manicheans, 80-86 Marcionites, 80 sq. Marsiglio de Maynardino of Padua, 230-245; cf. 268 Martianus Capella, 66 Maximus the monothelete, 51 Meaux, council of (845), 10 n. 10 Melun, schools at, 105, 118, 119, 179 Mentz, council of (829), 45 Michael of Cesena, 245 Milan, church of, 82 sq. Montforte, heresy at, 84

Narbonne, the Jews at, 42 n. 31 Nicea, second council of (787), 24 sq., 29 and n. 15 Nicholas I, 49 n. 5, 50, 278 Nicholas II, 204, 279 Norbert, saint (archbishop of Magdeburg), 134, 143 Northumbrians in the Irish schools, 10 Notker Balbulus, 14 n. 18, 105

Ockham, William of, 231, 240-245; cf. 259,265, 268