Page:Imperialism (Lenin).djvu/80

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Continents in which the capital (approximate figures)
of the Great Powers is invested (1910) (milliards of marks).
Britain France Germany Total
Europe ... 4 23 18 45
America ... 37 4 10 51
Asia, Africa, Australia 29 8 7 44
Total ... 70 35 35 140

For Britain, colonies hold the leading place, even in America (Canada), not to speak of Asia and elsewhere. The gigantic export of capital is here bound up with the possession of gigantic colonies, of the importance of which for imperialism we shall speak below. In France the situation is quite different. French capital invested abroad is mostly in Europe, particularly in Russia (at least ten milliard francs). This is mostly in government loans and not in capital invested in industrial undertakings. Compared to British imperialism, which is colonial, French imperialism might be termed money-lending imperialism. In Germany, there is a third type: the German colonies are inconsiderable, and German capital invested abroad is divided fairly equally between Europe and America.

The export of capital in the countries where it is introduced has a great influence on capitalist development, which it strongly accelerates. If then, it arrests to some extent the development of countries which export it, it nevertheless always extends and intensifies the capitalist development of the world as a whole.

Almost always those countries which export their