Page:In Maremma, by Ouida (vol 3).djvu/28

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they often dealt a death-blow, had made her grow up in an integrity of good faith that was neither of her sex nor of her country.

'Give it to him,' said Sanctis.

Then he leaned against one of the columns of the corridor; his face was ashy pale and his breath came and went heavily; he looked away from her out over the landscape that was still half covered with billowy clouds that did not break and were transfixed with sunbeams as with golden lances.

'I will give it him,' she answered. 'Farewell.'

He did not reply.

He leaned motionless against the marble pillar and covered his eyes with his hand. She went down the corridor with swift elastic tread, and disappeared beyond the farther archway amidst the grey foliage of the old olive trees that covered the hillside. There were twelve long miles down the mountains and over the meadows and the moors to the tombs; but she was sure of foot and used to fatigue. She went as lightly and as easily most of the way as the fawns did or the kids. When she grew very tired towards the close, she spurred on her aching feet with the thought of Este. He