Page:In a Glass Darkly - v2.djvu/142

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"Well, St. Clair," said I, as my servant entered, and began to arrange my things. "You have got a bed?"

"In the cock-loft, Monsieur, among the spiders, and, par ma foi! the cats and the owls. But we agree very well. Vive la bagatelle!"

"I had no idea it was so full."

"Chiefly the servants, Monsieur, of those persons who were fortunate enough to get apartments at Versailles."

"And what do you think of the Dragon Volant?"

"The Dragon Volant! Monsieur; the old fiery dragon! The devil himself, if all is true! On the faith of a Christian, Monsieur, they say that diabolical miracles have taken place in this house."

"What do you mean? Revenants?"

"Not at all, sir; I wish it was no worse. Revenants? No! People who have never