Page:In defense of Harriet Shelley, and other essays.djvu/237

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"What we require, and shall fight for with all lawful weapons, is a formal, comprehensive, and definitive solution and settlement of these vexed matters. We desire the restoration of the earlier condition of things; the cancellation of all this in capable government s pernicious trades with Hun gary; and then release from the sorry burden of the Badeni ministry !

"I voice the hope I know not if it will be ful filled I voice the deep and sincere and patriotic hope that the committee into whose hands this bill will eventually be committed will take its stand upon high ground, and will return the Ausgkich-Pro- visorium to this House in a form which shall make it the protector and promoter alike of the great interests involved and of the honor of our father land." After a pause, turning toward the govern ment benches: "But in any case, gentlemen of the Majority, make sure of this: henceforth, as before, you will find us at our post. The Germans of Austria will neither surrender nor die!"

Then burst a storm of applause which rose and fell, rose and fell, burst out again and again and again, explosion after explosion, hurricane after hurricane, with no apparent promise of ever coming to an end; and meantime the whole Left was surg ing and weltering about the champion, all bent upon wringing his hand and congratulating him and glori fying him.

Finally he got away, and went home and ate five loaves and twelve baskets of fishes, read the morning papers, slept three hours, took a short drive, then

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