Page:In the Roar of the Sea.djvu/218

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Jukes! a dangerous lunatic. Note at once. Clearly comes within the act. Clearly."

In a few minutes all had left, and Judith was endeavoring to pacify her irritated brother. His fingers were blackened, and finally she persuaded him to go up-stairs and wash his hands clear of the ink.

Then she ran into the adjoining room to Mr. Menaida. "Oh, dear Mr. Menaida!" she said, "what does this mean? Why have they been here?"

Uncle Zachie looked grave and discomposed.

"My dear," said he. "Those were doctors, and they have been here, sent by your aunt, to examine into the condition of Jamie's intellect, and to report on what they have observed. There was a little going beyond the law, perhaps, at first. That is why they took it so easily when you carried Jamie off. They knew you were with an old lawyer; they knew that you or I could sue for a writ of Habeas Corpus."

"But do you really think—that Aunt Dionysia is going to have Jamie sent back to that man at Wadebridge?"

"I am certain of it. That is why they came here to-day."

"Can I not prevent it?"

"I do not think so. If you go to law——"

"But if they once get him, they will make an idiot or a madman of him."

"Then you must see your aunt and persuade her not to send him there."