Page:In the Valley (1922).djvu/19

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In the Valley

"The 'Dream' was little and thin and brown; and he wore a tight-fitting brown velvet suit, and very pointed little brown velvet slippers, and very pointed little brown velvet slippers, and a little brown cap perched jauntily on one side of his head;—and he had a rather uncomfortable way of giggling at things which Marjorie did not find at all funny."

"You've been awake for quite a long time," said the Dream.

Marjorie did not answer; but she lay very still, with her eyes wide open and the corners of her mouth looking wonderfully sweet.

The Dream swung his feet back and forth as he sat on the foot-board and watched her. Presently a tiny breeze came in at the window and blew a little loose lock of hair across her face. She put up her hand and brushed it away and then lay still again; but in a moment the sweet look went from the corners of her mouth, and a little frown came between her eyebrows. "Oh dear!" she said.

"What's the matter?" asked the Dream.

"That's just it!" exclaimed Marjorie savagely; "The matter! Whenever there is any trouble or anything goes wrong, someone always says 'What's the matter?' And it always is matter. The