Page:In the Valley (1922).djvu/23

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gone, and I couldn't even remember what it was about;—and oh, I didn't want to lose it!"

"Can't you remember anything about it at all?"

"No, only just that it was in three parts; sort of separated, and yet all bearing a kind of relation to each other; and I was looking at them and thinking how much they were going to help me;—and then they went out, just like a candle, and I can't catch a glimpse of them again. And yet, do you know," she went on, slowly, "I feel as if I knew them just inside of me; as if they were just under the surface and I could still see them in there; but can't get them out into the open. When I don't look toward them, it seems as if I knew them perfectly clearly; but just as soon as I turn that way, they slip out of sight."

"Then I don't think that I should worry," said the Dream; "for when they are right there, like that; you will probably use them just the same as if you had them out here to be examined by human light. And besides, they will probably slip out when you are not looking; and the first thing that you know, they will meet you face to face out in the world somewhere. Perhaps we might go out now,—and see what we can find."

Marjorie looked doubtful. "I'd like to, but I don't know just how to begin."

"You don't have to begin," said the Dream;