Page:In the Valley (1922).djvu/32

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her and held the loose stitches with his small brown fingers, so that in a very few minutes the loops were all slipped into place and the loose ends knotted neatly, and the scarf was quite itself again. Marjorie spread it out on her knees and examined her work carefully. "I think that it looks wonderfully well," she said; "much better than I expected; for it seemed as if it would be absolutely ruined when I got up."

The Dream grinned. "More damage would have been done if you had not got up," he said. "Dropped opportunities are a lot worse than dropped stitches, and not nearly so easily picked up. Now what do you get out of that?"

"That you can always drop material experiences, for spiritual experiences, and come out the winner," said Marjorie.

"But the violets looked material," said the Dream.

"But the woman's thought was not," said Marjorie. "The loving thought was lurking right underneath the anger, ready to pop out the minute a way was made for it. Oh, dear, I just had that message right on my tongue's end at that moment, and it got away again! I almost had it."

"There are stars in your hair;" laughed the Dream, shaking a long branch of the elder bush, so that the tiny white blossoms showered down all over her. Marjorie brushed them away, laugh-