Page:Incandescent electric lighting- A practical description of the Edison system.djvu/104

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75 × 100 feet, apparatus and all departments complete for the generation and supply of current and power for a capacity of 40,000 lights, or the equivalent in light and power, and so arranged as to secure, as far as can be foreseen, continuous working of the plant and entire reliability in the furnishing of its current. It is only thus that we can hope to obtain a business and establish ourselves on the commercial basis which gas light companies have placed themselves in the past years, and thereby secure to our stockholders the returns for which they have invested their capital.

Having thus generally outlined this plant, we will now turn our attention to the consideration of other points in connection with it. One of the most important items is the cost of such a plant. I give you below, in round figures, the cost as shown by the construction accounts and estimates: