Page:Incandescent electric lighting- A practical description of the Edison system.djvu/121

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There are many points contrary to the ideas here outlined which are very desirable. I have merely tried to call your attention to what I consider good work in this particular line^ and hope that it will result in bringing forth the discussion and additions which are very beneficial in the consideration of these problems in the results to be obtained., and I would only add a tribute to the powerful and mastermind whose work, from the commencement of this field of central station distribution, has covered the leading problems and points, and whose idea* to-day represent much of the good and very little of the bad problems which we have in this work. I refer to Thomas A. Edison, whose work commenced in this field on the old Pearl street station in New York, over eight years ago, when the majority doubted, and but few believed in its successful carrying out; while we find that station, until within the past few months, when it was partially destroyed, successfully working, and even antiquated as it was, earning large dividends. He