Page:Incandescent electric lighting- A practical description of the Edison system.djvu/92

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ing the amount of current which has passed.

Through the lower space in the meter pass the conductors leading into the house, or rather they pass into the meter box and are secured in binding posts located on each side just within the meter. These binding posts are connected together, by what are termed "Shunt's," in this case, composed of broad strips of German silver, carefully graduated as to their resistance, so the 1224/1225 of the current passing over the wires will pass through them, while 1/1225 current will pass through each of the bottles, by means of small wires which may be seen passing up on one side of the meter and down on the other, connecting at both ends to the binding posts of the lower conductor. The upper and lower conductors alone are provided with shunts, the middle or neutral wire having none but passing directly through the meter behind the "Thermostat" the lamp upon which, is arranged between the neutral and upper