Page:Indago astrologica- or a brief and modest enquiry into some principal points of astrology (IA b30333519).pdf/13

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The Preface.

LEt the Reader firſt of all favor me ſo far, as to give me leave to deprecate his ſevere cenſure for any laying down that for a Foundation and Principle demonſtrable, which to him, ſeems to need proof as much as any thing elſe I ſhall ſay: For though in former times the motion of the Earth hath been exploded as abſurd, and in this laſt Age by Noble Verulam himſelf (whoſe profound Philoſophy I no leſs admire, then I do at their unworthy ſlighting of it, who proud of their own high ſoaring Phantaſies, contemn experiment as below them; and though they demoliſh the airy Caſtles of the Stagirite, do it, but to make their own more ſpectable) condemned as vain; yet it is by Galileo, Philolaus in his De Syſtemate Mundi, and other accurate Obſervers and Comparers of the Phænomena of Heaven, ſo plainly demonſtrated ad oculum, that it muſt now no longer paſs for Opinio, but in the language of the Schools under the Notion of Scientia. Neither can I attribute the error of the Ancients, and the Lord Verulam touching this point, to any thing ſo much as this, That they were not ſufficiently verſ'd in Aſtronomy: For the Phænomena and reaſons whereon this piece of truth hangs, are for the

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