Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/28

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Annouchka. Turgenev, I. S.
Annunciata. Boyesen, H. H.
Annunzio, Gabriele d' 1863-
Countess of Amalfi
In Tales of my native town
Death of the duke of Ofena
In Tales of my native town
Downfall of Candia
In Tales of my native town
Episcopo and company
In Episcopo and company
Gold pieces
In Tales of my native town
In Tales of my native town
In Tales of my native town
In Tales of my native town
Return of Turlendana
In Tales of my native town
San Pantaleone
In Stories by foreign authors, Italian
In Tales of my native town
Turlendana drunk
In Tales of my native town
Virgin Anna
In Tales of my native town
War of the bridge
In Tales of my native town
Anointed man. Sharp, W.
For anonymous stories see first word of titles
Anonymous benefactions. Brown, A.
Anonymous guest. Rinehart, M. R.
Anonymous letter. Daudet, A.
Anonymous letter. Davis, Richard H.
Anonymous story. Chekhov, A. P.
Another dog. Smith, F. H.
Another gambler. Bourget, P. C.
Another good man. Chambers, R. W.
Another little heath-hound. Phillpotts, E.
Another man's wife. Dostoevskĭĭ, F. M.
Another person's soul. Pinski, D.
Another Solomon (Chinese)
In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental
Another study of woman. Balzac, H. de
Anstey, F., pseud. (Thomas Anstey Guthrie) 1856-
Black poodle
In Stories by English authors, London
Three wishes. See Matthews. J. B., and Anstey, F.
Undergraduate's aunt
In Patten, W. International short stories v 2
Antchar. Turgenev, I. S.
Antenuptial. Merrick, L.
Anti-babel. Bishop, W. H.
Anti-christ. Huneker, J. G.
Anti-climax. Kirk, E. O.
Antigone. Bourget, P.
Antique ring. Hawthorne, N.
Antiques and Amoretti. Merrick, L.
Antoine and Angelique. Parker, G.
Antoinette. Theuriet, A.
Antonia's song. Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Any man and any woman. Moody, W. S.
Anyuta. Chekhov, A. P.
Ape. Benson, E. F.
Aphrodite. Chambers, R. W.
A-playin' of Old Sledge at the Settlemint. Craddock, C. E.
Apollo Belvidere. Stuart, R. M.
Apology. Henry, O.
Apostate. London, J.
Apostates. Phillpotts, E.
Apostle. Locke, W. J.
Apostle of the Tules. Harte, B.
Apotheosis. Galsworthy, J.
Apotheosis of the Reverend Mr. Spangler. Deland, M. W.
Apparition. See Howells, W. D. His apparition.
Apparition. Thanet, O.
Apparition. Maupassant, G. de
Apparition. Turgenev, I. S.
Apparition of Mrs. Veal. DeFoe, D.
Appeal to Caesar. Donnell, A. H.
Appearance of man. Beresford, J. D.
Appearances. Sinclair, M.
Apple. Vorse, M. H.
Apple. Wells, H. G.
Apple and the barrel. Hughes, R.
Apple-blossoms and white muslin. Smith, F. H.
Apple country. Singmaster, E.
Apple dealer. See Hawthorne, N. Old apple dealer
Apple Jonathan. Slosson, A. T.
Apple of her eye. Porter, E. H.
Apple-tree. Freeman, M. E. W.
Apple tree. Galsworthy, J.
Apples of gold. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Apples of Hesperides. Smith, A. P., and Lewis, M. P.
Applicant. Bierce, A.
Apres. See Maupassant, G. de. After
April day on the Oykel. Black, W.
April fool of Harvey's Sluice. See Doyle, A. C. Bones, the April fool of Harvey's Sluice
April masque. Fisher, D. C.
April showers. See Brown, A. King's End
April 25th as usual. Ferber, E.
April's lady. Bates, A.
April's lady. Nicholson, M.
April's message. Cabell, J. B.
Apuleius, Lucius, fl. 2d century
Story of Cupid and Psyche
In Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story
Arabella Hardy; or The sea voyage. Lamb, M.
Arabian nights entertainments
Aladdin, or The wonderful lamp
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 5:287
Cody, S. Selections from the world's greatest short stories
Ali Baba and the forty thieves
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 5:315
Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 2
Sindbad the sailor
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 5:336