Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/309

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Little change for Edward, Cutting, M. S.
Little chap. Boyesen, H. H.
Little Christian. Maartens, M.
Little Compton. Harris, J. C.
Little confederate hero. Page, T. N.
Little convent girl. King, G. E.
Little coyote. Austin, M. H.
Little Daffydowndilly. Hawthorne, N.
Little Darby. Page, T. N.
Little David: a coursing story. Mitford, M. R.
Little Daylight. Macdonald, G.
Little dinner. Bishop, W. H.
Little dinner at Timmins's. Thackeray, W. M.
Little dog. Morris, G.
Little dog Trusty. Edgeworth, M.
Little domestic. Catherwood, M. H.
Little dramas of the curbstone. Norris, F.
Little drover and the dependable uncle. Duncan, N.
Little Earl. Ouida
Little Edward. Stowe, H. B.
Little elm. Brown, A.
Little fairy's constancy. Ralph, J.
Little feller. Train, A. C.
Little fighting whales. Connolly, J. B.
Little finger. Phillpotts, E.
Little flower. Haggard, H. R.
Little-ffower-of-the-wood. Merrick, L.
Little flowers of Frances. Burke, T.
Little flyer in love. Osbourne, L.
Little foxes. Kipling, R.
Little Fred, the canal boy, Stowe, H. B.
Little French Alary. Jewett, S. O.
Little Frenchman and his water lots. Morris, G. P.
Little general. Rinehart, M. R.
Little gentleman, Tarkington, B.
Little ghost in the garden, Le Gallienne, R.
Little Gibraltar. Moulton, L. C.
Little girl. White S. E.
Little-girl-afraid-of-a-dog. Freeman, M. E. W.
Little girl who should have been a boy. Donnell, A. H.
Little girls wiser than their elders. See Tolstoi, L. N. Children may be wiser than their fathers
Little god and Dicky. Bacon, J. D.
Little gossip. Davis, Rebecca H.
Little governess. Mansfield, K.
Little grand and the marchioness. Ouida
Little gray ghost. Comer, C. A. P.
Little gray lady. Smith, F. H.
Little green door. Freeman, M. E. W.
"Little grey home in the west." Harraden, B.
Little heiress. Morris, G.
Little hero. Dostoevskĭĭ, F. M.
Little hopping frog. Pratt, L.
Little house in the garden. Alcott, L. M.
Little house in the little street where the sun never came. Long, J. L.
Little Huguenot; a romance of Fontaine-bleau. Pemberton, M.
Little hunchback Zia. Burnett, F. H.
Little Jack. Chekhov, A. P.
Little Jakey. De Kroyft, S. H.
Little Jane. Brown, A.
Little Jarvis. Seawell, M. E.
Little joys of Margaret. Le Gallienne, R. L
Little Kaintuck. Montagu, M. P.
Little Kansas leaven. Fisher, D. C.
Little lady who wouldn't spoil Christmas. Long, J. L.
Little lame angel Crockett, S. R.
Little leaden soldier. France, A.
Little liberal. Fernald, C. B.
Little lizard. Lcfevre, E.
Little local colour. Henry, O.
Little lonely girl. Thanet, O.
Little Louise Roque. Maupassant, G. de
Little lover. Donnell, A. H.
Little Lucy Rose. Freeman, M. E. W.
Little maid at the door. Freeman, M. E. W.
Little Marcus. Andrews, M. R. S.
Little Margaret Snell. Freeman, M. E. W.
Little Mary. Maartens, M.
Little masquerade. Parker, G.
Little matter of real estate. Kelly, M.
Little Maude and her mama. Loomis, C. B.
Little Max. Halévy, L.
Little merchants. Edgeworth, M.
Little Mirandy. Freeman, M. E. W.
Little misery. Chambers, R. W.
Little Miss Flutterly's dissertation on war. Loomis, C. B.
Little Miss Johns. Harris, J. C.
Little Miss Joy-Sing. Long, J. L.
Little Miss Sophie. Dunbar, A.
Little Missy. Seawell, M. E.
Little Mr. Cricket and the other creatures. Harris, J. C.
Little more beef. Kipling, R.
Little Mother Quackalina. Stuart, R. M.
Little mountain maid. Earle, M. T.
Little nations. Machen, A.
Little neighbors. Alcott, L. M.
Little nipper o' Hide-an-Seek harbor. Duncan, N.
Little Norsk; or, Ol' pap's flaxen. Garland, H.
Little number ones. Pratt, L.
Little O'Grady's vs the Grindstone. Fuller, H. B.
Little old man of Batignolles. Gaboriau, E.
Little old shoe. See Alcott, L. M. Modern Cinderella
Little old woman. Spofford, H. P.
Little One Eye, little Two Eyes, and little Three Eyes (adapted). Scudder, H. E.
Little orphan. Dostoevskĭĭ, F. M.
Little pates. Daudet, A.
Little Persian princess. Freeman, M. E. W.
Little pies. See Daudet, A. Little pates
Little pilgrim. Oliphant, M. W.
Little pilgrim; further experiences. Oliphant, M. W.
Little pilgrimage. Crane, S.
Little pioneer. Michels, P. V.
Little Poinsinet. Thackeray, W. M.
Little post-boy. Taylor, B.
Little prep. Kipling, R.
Little Prince Pomnik. Grenfell, W. T.
Little prophet Wiggin, K. D.
Little puddle. Hughes, R.
Little Rathie's "bural." Barrie, J. M.
Little Red Riding Hood. Perrault, C.