Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/364

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Morris, GcmveneurContinued
Miss Sally and the enemy
In Cent 70:182
Mr. Holiday
In Spread eagle
Collier's 44:13 D 11 '09
"Monitor" and the "Merrimac"
In Spread eagle
Sat Eve Post 182:5 O 16 '09
Mutineer of the Mary Blount
In Sat Eve Post 186:3 Je 13; 16 Je 20, '14
On foot
In Metropol 32:644
On the spot; or, The idler's house-party
In Spread eagle
Everybody's 19:187
One more martyr
In Spread eagle
Sat Eve Post 182:13 Ag 7 '09
Open door
In Cosmopol 70:25 Ap '21
Paradise ranch
In Footprint
Collier's 35:20 Je 24 '05
In Spread eagle
Everybody's 7:278
In Outing 47:301
In Cosmopol 53:669
Perfect gentleman of Pelham Bay Park
In Incandescent lily and other stories
Cosmopol 56:494
In Putnam's 7:536
Practice makes perfect
In Hampton 25:155
Pringles; Death in both pockets
In Harp B 52:36 S '17
Provident children
In Reader 7:231
Purloined Christinas
In Collier's 46:21 D 10 '10
Purple flask
In Cosmopol 63:38 O '17
Putting on the screws
In Putting on the screws
Sat Eve Post 181:3 Ap 10; 11 Ap 17 '09
In Sat Eve Post 183:14 S 17 '10
In Cosmopol 53:64
Rich widow of Spanish Town
In Cent 68:480
In Pict R 16:18 Ap '15
In It
Hampton 25:432
Senator in Pelham Bay Park
In Collier's 60:16 D 8 '17
Senator's brother
In Am M 74:191
Silver screen
In McClures 53:28 Ag '21
Simon L'Ouvrier
In Footprint
Collier's 37:18 Ag 25 '06
Spread eagle
In Spread eagle
Sat Eve Post 182:3 Ag 28; 18 S 4 '09
Star and the garter
In Cosmopol 57:417 522
Stowing away of Mr. Bill Ballard
In Footprint
Collier's 35:17 S 16 '05
Tango taught in ten teachings?
In Incandescent lily and other stories
Metropol 39:23 Ap '14
In Spread eagle
Metropol 30:629
In Sat Eve Post 182:5 Je 25 '10
In Cosmopol 57:158
In It
Sat Eve Post 183:15 F 11 '11
Two business women
In It
Sat Eve Post 184:8 Ap 12 '11
Voice in the rice
In Voice in the rice
Sat Eve Post 181:3 Je 5; 17 Je 12; 17 Je 19; 15 Je 26; 182:12 Jl 3 '09
When is a promise not a promise?
In Metropol 41:13 My '15
When the devil was better
In Metropol 39:9 F '14
Which was George?
In Sat Eve Post 182:5 Ap 16; 23 Ap 23 '10
White muscats of Alexandria
In Spread eagle
Sat Eve Post 182:12 D 4 '09
Wife's coffin
In Collier's 40:13 F 22 '08
Wild goose
In Heart's 36:39 Ag '19
Wise Miss Carrington
In Metropol 32:690
Without a lawyer
In Spread eagle
Cosmopol 47:278
You can't get away with it
In Incandescent lily and other stories
Cosmopol 54:737
Morris, G. P.
Little Frenchman and his water lots
In Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous short stories
Morris. William, 1834-1896
Acontius and Cydippe
In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris
Atalanta's race
In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris
Bellerophon at Argos
In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris
Bellerophon in Lycia
In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris
Child Christopher and Goldiluid the Fair
In Child Christopher