Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/390

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Parker, Sir GilbertContinued
Man, a famine, and a heathen boy
In Works v 3
Northern lights
Man at the wheel
In Works v 14
Donovan Pasha
Atlan 23:785
Canad M 13:101
Man that died at Alma
In Works v 11
Lane that had no turning
March of the white guard
In Works v 8
March of the white guard
Tavistock tales
Good Words 32 Christmas no. 51
In Works v 3
Northern lights
Sat Eve Post 180:20 Ja 4 '08
Marriage of the miller
In Works v 11
Lane that had no turning
Masquerade. See Parker, G. Little Masquerade
Mathurin; a sinner of Pontiac
In Works v 11
Lane that had no turning
Liv Age 212:112
Pall Mall M 10:599
Medallion's whim
In Works v 11
Lane that had no turning
Michel and Angele
In Works v 13
Harper 101:685, 895
My wife's lovers
In Works v 5
Cumner's son
In Collier's 44; 11 D 25 '09
Old roses
In Works v 5
Cumner's son
Liv Age 194:382
On the reef of Norman's woe
In Works v 14
Donovan Pasha
Pall Mall M 19:436
Once at Red man's river
In Works v 3
Northern lights
Sat Eve Post 180:18 F 1 '08
Orion. See Parker, G. Watching the rise of Orion
Pagan of the South
In Works v 5
Cumner's son
Pango Wango. See Parker, G. How Pango Wango was annexed
Parables of a province
In Works v 11
Lane that had no turning
Parpon the dwarf
In Works v 11
Lane that had no turning
Patrol of the Cypress Hills
In Works v 1
Pierre and his people
Warner library
Peradventure. See Parker, G. By that place called Peradventure
Père Champagne
In Works v 1
Pierre and his people
P'tite Louison. See Parker, G. Absurd Romance of P'tite Louison
Pilot of Belle Amour
In Works v 5
Romany of the snows
Cosmopol 15:334
Pipi valley
In Works v 1
Pierre and his people
Planter's wife
In Works v 5
Cumner's son
In Works v 2
Romany of the snows
Point o' Bugles. See Parker, G. At Point o' Bugles
Pomp of the Lavillettes
In Works v 7
Pomp of the Lavillettes
Prairie vagabond
In Works v 1
Pierre and his people
Pretty Pierre
In Eng Illust 9:583
Price of the grindstone and the drum
In Works v 14
Donovan Pasha
Pall Mall M 19:149
In Works v 11
Lane that had no turning
In Works v 3
Northern lights
Rawley's last gamble
In Canad M 30:110
Red man's river. See Parker, G. Once at Red man's river
Red patrol
In Works v 2
Adventurer of the North
Eng Illust 12 No. 4:33
Reef of Norman's woe. See Parker, G. On the reef of Norman's woe
In Chief factor (Home pub co.)
Romany of the snows
In Works v 2
Romany of the snows
Sable Spartan
In Works v 5
Cumner's son
Sanctuary of the plains
In Works v 1
Pierre and his people
Scarlet hunter
In Works v 1
Pierre and his people
Liv Age 193:465
Macmillan 65:376