Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/429

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Scandal in Bohemia. Doyle, A. C.
Scandal in high life. Bacon, J. D.
Scandal-monger. See Chekhov, A. P. Slander
Scape goats. Cabell, J. B.
Scar on the throat (Arabic)
In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental
Scarf. Wynne, M. Y.
Scarlet and black. Green, A. K.
Scarlet blossom. See Garshin, V. M. Red flower
Scarlet car. Davis, Richard H.
Scarlet hunter. Parker, G.
Scarlet ibis. Andrews, M. R. S.
Scarlet ibis. Hergesheimer, J.
Scarlet plague. London, J.
Scarlet poppy. Spofford, H. P.
Scarlet shoes. Burke, T.
Scarlet stockings. Alcott, L. M.
Sceaux ball. See Balzac, H. de. Rural ball
Scene. Howells, W. D.
Scene of the revolution. Simms, W. G.
Scenes from common life. Tolstoi, L. N.
Scenes of clerical life. Eliot, G.
Scent of the roses. Freeman, M. E. W.
Schaffer, Robert
Dora Nani
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
Schayer, Julia Thompson von Stosch, 1846-
Story of two lives
In Stories by American authors v 10
Scherzi and skizzen. Matthews, J. B.
Schmelzle's journey. See Richter, J. P. F. Army-chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz
Schmidt. Osbourne, L.
Schnitzler, Arthur, 1862-
Blind Geroninio and his brother
In Shepherd's pipe, and other stories
Crumpled blossoms
In Dial 68:711
Dead men tell no tales
In Metropol 44:26 Jl '16
In Eng R 12:49
Greek dancer
In Dial 71:253
In Shepherd's pipe and other stories
Shepherd's pipe
In Shepherd's pipe and other stories
Schock, Georg, pseud. [Katherine Riegel Loose], 1877-
Christmas child
In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M. Shapes that haunt the dusk
Scholar's adventure in the country. Stowe, H. B.
Scholastica. France, A.
School. France, A.
School-boy. Andrews, M. R. S.
School closes. Tagore, R.
School friends. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
School-girl. Jordan, E. G.
School house. Barrie, J. M.
School of misfortune. Hogg, J.
School we lost: a story of the sieners. Connolly, J. B.
Schoolboy's story. Dickens, C.
Schoolhouse. Jewett, S. O.
Schoolmaster. Chekhov, A. P.
Schoolmaster abroad. See Hornung, E. W. Matter of two ciphers
Schoolmaster and Felicia. Mason, A. E. W.
Schoolmaster, Uncle Jerry, and the bad boy. Seawell, M. E.
Schoolmaster's progress. Kirkland, C. M. S.
Schoolmistress. Chekhov, A. P.
Schools and schools. Henry, 0.
Schooner-man's close calls. Masefield, J.
Schopenhauer on Lake Pepin. Thanet, 0.
Schreiner, Olive (Mrs. S. C. Cronwright Schreiner), (Ralph Iron, pseud.) 1863-
Three dreams in a desert
In Warner library
Schwartz, J. M. W. vander P. See Maartens, M., pseud.
Science and love. See Balzac, H. de. Balthazar
Science vs. luck. Clemens, S. L.
Scientific vagabond. Boyesen, H. H.
Scorn of woman. London, J.
Scot indeed. Watson, J.
Scott, Sir Walter, bart, 1771-1832
Castle Dangerous
In Castle Dangerous
Death of the Laird's Jock
In Highland widow
Highland widow
In Highland widow
Lady in tfie saque. See Scott, W. Tapestried chamber
My aunt Margaret's mirror
In Highland widow
Tapestried chamber, or The lady in the sacque
In Highland mirror
Two drovers
In Highland widow
Patten, W. International short stories, v 2
Wandering Willie's tale
In Redgauntlet v 1 Letter XI
Canby, H. S. Study of the short story
Jessup, A. and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction
Stories by English authors, Scotland
Scottish Sabbath day, Crockett, S. R.
Scourge. Beach, R. E.
Scourge. Locke, W. J.
Scrap of history. Barr, R.
Scraptomania. Warman, C.
Screaming skull. Crawford, F. M.
Screen. Bourget, P.
Screen-maiden. Hearn, L.
Scribe, Augustin Eugene, 1791-1861
Pet fairy
In Warner library
Price of life
In Warner library
Scrivener's tale of The Countess Alys. Hewlett, M. H.
Scrub quarter-back. Williams, J. L.
Scrupulous father. Gissing, G. R.