Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/432

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Sedgwick, Anne DouglasContinued
Pink fox gloves
In Autumn crocuses
Christmas roses and other stories
Good H 58:450
In Cent 63:296
Staking a larkspur
In Autumn crocuses
Christmas roses and other stories
Cent 91:481
In Nest
Cent 67:550
Third window
In Third window
Atlan 125:145, 312, 496
White pagoda
In Nest
Cent 84:770
"Sedgwick." Davis, C. B.
Seductive six-shooter. Warman, C.
See Yup. Harte, B.
Seed as big as a hen's egg. Tolstoi, L. N.
Seed of McCoy. London, J.
Seed of the faith. Wharton, E.
Seeking blindfolded. French, A. W.
Seer. Lindau, R.
Seffy, a little comedy of country manners. Long, J. L.
Seizure of the "Aurora Borealis." Connolly, J. B.
Sekhet: a dream. Galsworthy, J.
Select party. Hawthorne, N.
Selecting a ghost. Doyle, A. C.
Self-abnegation. Fisher, D. C.
Self-deceivers. Jacks, L. P.
Self-determination with the Lenoxes. Gray, Self-help. Jacobs, W. W.
Self-made man. Crane, S.
Self-made man. See Kipling, R. Smith administration
Self-sacrifice: a farce-tragedy. Howells, W.
Self-starter. Ferber, E.
Selfish giant. Wilde, O.
Selfishness. Maupassant, G. de
Selfishness of Amelia Lambkin. Freeman, M. E. W.
Selgas y Carrasco, Jose, 1822-1882
White butterfly
In Stories by foreign authors, Spanish
Selim shawl. See Balzac, H. de. Gaudissart II
Selina Sedilla. By Miss M. E. B-dd-n and Mrs, H-n-y W-d. Harte, B.
Selina's singular marriage. Litchfield, G. D.
Selincourt, Mrs. Basil de. See Sedgwick, Anne Douglas
Selincourt, H. de
Birth of an artist
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Great modern English stories
Seller of hate. Morrison, A.
Semaphore. Ward, H. D.
Semi-sentimental dragon. Zangwill,, I.
Semillante. See Maupassant, G. de. Vendetta
Seminary. Gaboriau, E.
Semper idem. London, J.
Semptress's story. Droz, G.
Senator in Pelham Bay park. Morris, G.
Senator's brother. Morris, G.
Senator's last trade. Fox, J., jr.
Senator's plight. King, C.
Sending of Dana Da. Kipling, R.
Senior fellow. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Senior reader. Smith, A. C.
Sense of climax. Gibbon, P.
Senses. Henry's Ghost, O.
Sent for out. Hughes, R.
Sentence. Tagore, R.
Sentence deferred. Jacobs, W. W.
Sentiment. Dickens, C.
Sentiment. See Maupassant, G. de. Widow
Sentimental rebellion. Huneker, J. G.
Sentimental twaddle. Williams, J. L.
Sentry-box. Daudet, A.
Separ's vigilante. Wister, O.
Septimius Felton; or, The elixir of life. Hawthorne, N.
Septimus Septimusson. Bland, E. N.
Sequel to a divorce. Maupassant, G. de
Sequel to 'The little, room.' Wynne, M. Y.
Serai cabal. See Kipling, R. Smith administration
Serao, Matilde, 1856-
Ballet dancer
In Ballet dancer and On guard
Fatal numbers
In Liv Age 231:325
On guard
In Ballet dancer and On guard
Origin of macaroni
In Cur Lit 46:456
Story of Greece
In Poet Lore 15 No 2:19
Serbian night. Blasco-Ibáñez, V.
Serena. Catherwood, M. H.
Serena Ann's first valentine. Freeman, M. E. W.
Serenade at Siskiyou. Wister, O.
Serene's religious experience. Comer, C. A. P.
Sereny. Spofford, H. P.
Sergeant Barnacle; or, The raftsman of the Edisto. Simms, W. G.
Sergeant Croesus. King, C.
Sergeant Gore. Armstrong, L.
Sergeant's private mad-house. Crane, S.
Serio-comic governess. Zangwill, I.
Serious dilemma of the bishop of Oklaho. Adams, O. F.
Sermon for clowns. Pemberton, M.
Serpent's story. Andreev, L. N.
Servant lass. Watson, J.
Servant man turned soldier. More, H.
Servant's theft. France, A.
Service of love. Henry, O.
Sestina. See Cabell, J. B. Story of the sestma
"Set not thy foot on graves." Hawthorne, Set of six. Conrad, J.
"Seth." Burnett, F. H.
Sevastapol. Tolstoi, L. N.
Seven-an'-six. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Seven conversations of dear Jones and Baby
Van Rensselaer. Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C-