Page:Index to St. Nicholas- Volumes I-XLV, 1873–1918 (Wilson, 1920) (IA stnicholasserial1451dodg).pdf/15

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Index to St. Nicholas
All things come round—, verse. W. C. M’Clelland. 23:1022 O ’96
All through gravitation; story. M. V. Worstell il 27:491-5 Ap ’00
Letter to American boys. G. MacDonald. 5:202-4 Ja ’78
Riches and poverty. G. A. Woods. 15:549 My ’88
Who seeks, finds. J. Ray. 22:2223 Ja ’95
Allen, Alice E.
Dream; verse. 42:1067 O ’15
September’s garden; verse. 44:999 S ’17
Very little story of a very little girl. 38:41 No ’10
Wrong side; verse. 39:789 Jl ’12
Allen, Caroline Stetson
Cheerful little girl and her cheerful little doll, 39:837-41, 933-7, 1028-34 JI-S ’12
How Jack and Jill made the coast, 38:1136-7 O ’11
Johany’s new ribbon. 38:040-1 Ag ‘11
Real Little Boy Blue. 38:854-3 Ji ’11
When Polly put the kettle.on. 38:1040-1 S ’11
Allen, Elizabeth Akers
Toad; poem. 1:544 Jl ‘74
Allen, Harriet
How a street-car came in a stocking. 23:101-7 D ‘95
Allen, Lorraine Anderson
Uncle Ezra‘s shoes. 42:592-4 My ‘15
Allen, Thomas G. jr.
Boys of Siberia. 26:97-106 D ‘98
Allen, Willis Boyd
Dandelion; verse. 9:896 S ’82
Merry Christmas; verse. 44:165 D ’16
On Appledore; poem. 16:889 O ‘89
On the Willey-brook trestle. 13:764-8 Ag ‘86
Allen‘s silver wedding; story. M. M, West il 31:1104-8 O ‘04
Alley, Marguerite E.
Positively no sugar! 45:524-8 Ap ‘18
Adventure with an alligator, H. H. Smith. il 19:376-8 Mr ‘92
Crocodiles and alligators. W: T. Hornaday. il 32:846-7 Jl ‘05
Few alligators. F. Beverly. il 3:10-12 N ‘75
‘Gator. C. B. Moore. il 18:74-7 N ‘90
Handling alligators. H. D. Jones. il 37:646 My ‘10
Living island. il 13:873 S ‘86
Raising alligators for the market. il 35:745-8 Je ‘08
Queer steeds. C, F. Holder. 28:725 Je ‘01


Alligator hunting. F. R. Stockton. il 31:336-40 F ‘04
Alligators’ funeral. Bisland. 18:380-1 Mr ‘21
Beelzebub, A. C. Pearson. il 22:218-20 Ja ‘95
Alling, Rose Lattimore
Christmas conspiracy. 14:142-5, 211-15 D ‘86-Ja ‘87
Mike and I, 10:517-19 My ‘83
Nan’s revolt. 13:682-6, 749-53, 816-21, 896-8 Jl-O ‘86
Allison, Joy, pseud. (Mary A. Cragin).
April‘s sunbeam; verse. 5:398 Ap ‘78
Around the pump; verse. 36:646 My ‘09
Bidding the sun good-night in Lapland; verse. 7:204-5 Ja ‘80
Pattikin‘s house, 4:255-60, 347-51, 373-8, 492-7, 517-22 F-Je ‘77
Queen‘s repartee; verse. 9:935.6 O ‘82
Small story; verse. 27:1089 O ‘00
Two Kitties; verse. 5:823 O ‘78
Woodman’s daughter; verse, 7:815 Ag ‘80
Allison, Marjorie
Ridge’s triple play. 32:681-3 Je ‘05
All‘s ill that ends ill; verse. C. Y. Glen. 25:649 Je ‘98
St Nicholas almanac for boys and girls. R. and B. Hill, 11:255-7, 334-5, 416-17, 494-5, 576-7, 656-7, 736-7, 816-17, 896-7, 976-7; 12:72-3, 150-1 Ja-D ‘84
Almion, Auria and Mona; story. J. Hawthorne, il 11:83-7, 232-6 D ‘83-Ja ‘84
Almonds and almond trees
Flower of the almond and fruit of the fig. M. H. Foote. il 24:937-41 S ‘97
Almshouses. See Poorhouses
Almy, Anna K.
Fairies’ trolley; verse. 23:684-5 Je ’96
Monsieur et Madame Crapaud; verse. 21:691 Je ‘94
Along the line to Dover: poem. E. Parker. 28:812 Jl ‘01
Along the trout-stream. R. S. Lemmon. il 44.984-9 S ‘17
Alphabet français, Un. il 5:816-20 O ‘78
Interesting to babies; number of letters in different languages. ||16:152-3 D ‘88
Russian alphabet. 16:632 Je ‘89
Wonders of the alphabet. H: Eckford. il 13:375-9, 400-3, 538-9, 621-3, 677-9, 771-4, 854-6, 925-7 Mr-O ‘86.
See also Hieroglyphics; Lettering


Alice alphabet. C. Wells. 25:403 Ap ‘98
Alphabet from England. C. G. Rossetti il 3:56.9 N ‘75
Alphabet in council. P. Cox, il 7:976-8 O ‘80
Alphabet menagerie. I. F. Bellows. il 11:382-7 Mr ‘84
Alphabet of children. I. F. Bellows. il 10:112-17 D ‘82
Alphabet of rivers. ||18:54 N ‘90
Alphabet of street-sights, M. Chater. il 44:660 My ‘17
Alphabet picnic. J. E. Lyman. 30:779 Jl ‘03
Alphabet song, E. C. Dowd. il 18:401 Mr ‘91