Page:Index to St. Nicholas- Volumes I-XLV, 1873–1918 (Wilson, 1920) (IA stnicholasserial1451dodg).pdf/360

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Index to St. Nicholas
Adventure in the quicksands. R. M. Fletcher. 16:472-3 Ap ’89
Do you know such boys? story. E. McCormick. il 9:867-71 S ’82
Quicksilver. See Mercury
Quicksilver Sue; story. See Richards, Laura E.
Quilting-bee, Brownies’: verse. P. Cox. il 37:250-4 Ja ’10
Quimby. Sam
Transformed stockings. il 1:111 Ja ’74
Quirk, Leslie W.
Baby Elron, the quarter-back. 30:28-33 N ’02
Class rush. 31:1078-81 O ’04
Coaching the coach. 38:968-72 S ’11
Cockswain. 38:902-8 Ag ’11
Goal from the field. 32:11-16 N ’04
Midget’s nerve. 33:66-9 N ’05
Out curve. 31:877-81 Ag ’04
Quite a history; verse. A. Bates. 7:348 F ’80
Quite a singer; verse. M. Douglas. il 17:376 Mr ’90
Quite a tourist! verse. C. Page. 38:514 Ap ’84
Quite prudent; verse. M. Douglas. il 12:64 N ’84
Quito, Ecuador
City wanted. 17:539 Ap ’90
Quoit-thrower; picture. 8:189 Ja ’81
Old savings in rhyme. 14:392-3 Mr ’87
Quoth the hood to the hat; verse. D. R. Goodale. 27:112 D ’99
Q-rious toy; verse. M. Johnson, 31:1084 O ’04


R. A. S.
What the burdock was good for: verse. 9:532 My ’82
R. J.
Billy-goat school-master. 2:28-9 N ’74
R. L. C.
Boy and the book; verse. 6:541 Je ’79
R. L. G.
What Bertie saw in the flowers; verse. 13:536 My ’86
R. S. T.
Ship in the moon. 10:853 S ’83
R. S. V.
New boy; a football episode. 29:6-8 N ’01
Rabb, Kate Milner
Letter from Olives Wendell Holmes. 29:440-2 Mr ’02
Rabbit, turtle and owl; story. J. W. Whitcomb. il 38:82 N ’10
Annual enemy. G, Fletcher. 44:78 N ‘16
Bird-boxes, rabbit hutches, and other pet shelters. J. H. Adams. il 32:922-3 Ag ’05
Br’er rabbit and his folks. W. T. Hornaday. il 22-423-9 Mr ’95
Dear little rabbits as pests. 15:872-3 S ’88
Feathers versus fur. J. A. Loring. il 33:937-9 Ag ’06
Feeding and caring far white rabbits. il 32:536-7 Ap ’05
Hunting jack-rabbits. il 7:34-7 N ’79
Instinct and reason. V. L. Kellogg. il 37:166-7 D ’09
Little rabbits protected by their mother. il 30:174-5 D ’02
Music-loving rabbit. L. E. M. Smith, il 23:594-5 My ’96
Preventing rabbits from killing their young. il 33:847 Jl ’06
Pueblo rabbit hunt. C. F. Lummis. il 17:9-13 N ’89
Rabbit woman. C. A. Williams. il 26:518-19 Ap ’09
Rabbits and bank paper. E. Ingersoll. 8:361-4 Mr ’81
Snow-shoes and no shoes, J. R. Coryell. il 11:29-31 N ’83
Tamed Welsh rabbit! 12:793 Ag ’85
True story of a little gray rabbit. E. E. Thompson. il 17:953-5 S ’90
See also Conies; Hares


Hare and she chipmunk, 11:416 Mr ’84


Do answer this fellow! 10:155 D ’82


Angling bunnies. A. Blashfield. il 29:734-5 Je ’02
Autumn revel. L. W. Van der Voort. il 17:176-82 D ’89
Bunny romance. O. Herford. il 23:862-3 Ag ’96
Good reason. C. M. Fuller. il 33:635 My ’06
Hallow-e’en frolic. H. G. Cone. il 20:15 N ’92
Matter of taste. E. B. Tiffany. 16:692 Jl ’89
Rabbit hunters; an Aztec fragment. J. C. Francis. il 15:624 Je ’88
Rhyme of ten little rabbits. K. N. Mytinger. il 24:80-1 N ’96
Tale of tails. A. Guiterman. il 38:1116-17 O ’11


Bounce and Miss Gibbs. E. S. Brooks. il 45:349-53 F ’18
Bunnies that were afraid. K. R. Kip. il 35:262-5 Ja ’OB.
Bunny stories. J. H. Jewett. il 16:228-33, 305-11, 385-9, 467-71, 704-9, 787-90, 869-72, 946-50 Ja-Ap, Jl-O ’89
Captain Rabbit. K. Edgerly, il 42:376-9 F ’15
Famous Tortugas bull-fight, C: F. Holder. il 19:403-8 Ap ’92