Page:Index to St. Nicholas- Volumes I-XLV, 1873–1918 (Wilson, 1920) (IA stnicholasserial1451dodg).pdf/484

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Index to St. Nicholas
Canary’s, siege. M.D. Leonard. 29:626-7 My ‘02
Curious bird‘s nest. C: C. Abbott. il 29:627-8 My ‘02
Georgia bird observer; Carolina, wrens and the yellow-breasted chat. il 28:81 N ‘00
Nest of cactus-wren. il 30:941 Ag ‘03
Rearing a wren family. W: L. Finley. il 31:735-41 Je '04
True and sad ballad of Sir Christopher Wren; verse. 7:596 My ‘88
Wren architects. 15:533 My ‘88
Wreschner, M.
Seeking a treasure ship‘s gold with magnets. 41:460-2 Mr ‘14
Wright, G. Frederick
More about gas-wells. 14:385-6 Mr ‘87
Wright, Henrielta Christian
When the man in the moon was a little boy; verse. 21:135 D ‘93
Wright, Margaret Bertha
Dead city. 7:458-63 Ap ‘80
Mistletoe-gathering in Normandy. 6:117-10 D ‘78
Wright, Orville
Two American conquerors of the air. C. H. Chaudy. il 36:785-7 Jl ‘09
Visiting the Wright boys. il 38.76-8 N ‘10
Wright, T. D.
Namesake. 15:615-17 Je ‘88
Wright, Wilbur
Two American conquerors of the air. C. H. Chaudy. il 36:785-7 Jl ‘09
Visiting the Wright boys. il 38.76-8 N ‘10
Writers. See Authors
Letters of the prince of Youba and the prince of Pomba, J: R. Coryell. il 30:532-5 Ap °03
School-boy's exercise of 1700, years ago. B. Johnston. il 42:200-2 Ja °15
Wonders of the alphabet. H: Eckford. il 13:375-9, 400-3, 538-9, 621-3, 677-9, 771-4, 854-6, 925-7 Mr-O ‘86.
See_also Alphabet; Authors; Autographs; Hieroglyphics; Letter writing; Paper; Picture writing
Writing desks
Fitting up a boy’s room. J. H. Adams. il 32:158-60 D ‘04
Wrong bird; story. P. Fort. il 1:344-6 Ap ‘74
Wrong coat; story. R. T. Cooke. 10:324-7 Mr ‘83
Wrong promise; story. H. Ledyard. il 8:177-80 Ja ‘81
Wrong side; verse. A. E. Allen, 39:789 Jl ‘12
Wyckoff, Mrs C. A.
Jacky’s scarecrow; verse. 7:691-2 Jl ’80
Wyeth, Mary E. C.
Live meteor, 2:429-31 My ‘75
Murillo‘s mulatto. 9:17-19 N ‘81
Sweetheart‘s valentine; poem. 1:217 F ‘74
Wylie, Stella M.
Winter evening problem. 24:345-7 F ‘97
Wyman, Ethel Harte
Valiant hunter; verse. 27:611-12 My ’00
Wyman, Florence
Girls’ swimming bath. 7:902-5 S '80
Wyman, Lloyd
Johnny’s lost ball. 5:500-1 My ’78
Wyman, Maud
Confidence; verse. 18:931 O ’91
Wyndham girls; story. M. A. Taggart. il 29:208-47 Ja ’02
Wynne, Annette
Moving-picture play; verse. 45:828 Jl ’18
Rhymes of the states. G. Newkirk. il 23:82 N ’95
Rocky Mountain hermit. A. T. Bacon. il 13:723-31, 832-7 Ag-S ’86
Wyss, Johann David
Swiss family Robinson. H. Hawthorne. 41:1126-8 O ’14


X rays
Seven wonders. of science; X-rays. J. S. Newman. 44:560-1 Ap ’17
Stories of art and artists, C. E. Clement. 8:187 Ja ‘81
Xylophone and how to make one. J. S. Newmnan. il 44:272 Ja ’17


Ya-Sok; story. M. G. Wingate. 1:30-1 N ‘73
Yacht race in the clouds. M. Nugent. il 27:1071-5 O ‘00
Yacht racing


Brownies‘ yacht race. P. Cox. il 17:888-91 Ag ‘90
Commodors’s cup. W: B. M‘Cormick. il 32:865-70 Ag ‘05


For the Corinthian cup. H. L. Stone. il 42:866-74 Ag ‘15
Four sides to a triangle. C: R. Talbot. il 10:733-82 Ag ‘01
Lady of the Chingackgook. C: R. Talbot. il 10:773-82 Ag ‘83
Midsurnmer pirates. R: H. Davis. il 16:737-45 Ag ‘89
Yachts and yachting
Choosing a boat. F. W. Pangborn. il 18:874-7 ‘91