Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/11

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Bathgate, A.

Beal, L. O.

Beattie, J. M.

Beckett, T. W. N.

Bee, J.

Bee, J., and Easterfield, T. H.

Belcher, H.

Beneden, P. J. van.

Benham, W. B.

Acanthodrilus uliginosus, Account of, 33, 122.
Balanoglossus, Occurrence in N.Z. Waters of the Genus, 32, 9.
Cogia breviceps, the Lesser Sperm Whale, Notes on, 34, 155.
Cordiceps sinclairii, 32, 4.
Ctenophores of N.Z., 39, 138.
Earthworm from Auckland Islands: Notiodrilus aucklandicus, 35, 275.
Earthworm from Norfolk Island: Megascolex laingii, 35, 273.
Earthworms, A Re-examination of Hutton's Types of N.Z., 31, 156.
Earthworms belonging to Genus Plagiochæta, 35, 277.
Earthworms from the Islands around N.Z., 33, 129.
Earthworms from the Kermadecs, 37, 298.
Earthworms from Little Barrier Island, 38, 248.
Earthworms of the North Island of N.Z., 37, 281; 38, 239.
Elephant, Evolution of the, 39, 547.
Ephydra, Aquatic Larva of the Fly, 37, 308.
Kea, Flesh-eating Propensity of the, 39, 71.
Lancelet, The N.Z., 33, 120.
Leech, New Species of (Hirudo antipodum), discovered in N.Z., 36, 185.
Leeches in N.Z., Two New Species of: Placobdella maorica and Hirudo maniana, 39, 180.
Moa-egg, Note on an Entire, now in the Museum of Otago University, 34, 149.
Molluscs, Nudibranch, from N.Z., 37, 312.
Notornis, Notes on certain of the Viscera of, 31, 151.
Notornis, Notes on the Fourth Skin of, 31, 146.
Oligochæta from the Southern Islands of the N.Z. Region, 37, 285.
Oligochæta of the N.Z. Lakes, 36, 192.
Pennatulid, New Species of: Sarcophyllum bollonsi, 39, 193.
Presidential Address to Otago Institute, 1904, 37, 613.
Pterotrachæid from the Pacific Ocean, A Large, 38, 245.
Ramulina, Occurrence in N.Z. Waters of the Foraminiferan Genus, 37, 300.
Regalecus, An apparently New Species of (R. parkeri), 36, 198.
Rorqual (Balænoptera rostrata), Baby, External Anatomy of a, 34, 151.
Sipunculids of N.Z., 36, 172; 37, 301.
Zoological Results of Trawling Trials off the Coast of Otago, 32, 1.

Berggren, S.

Best, E.

Art of the Whare Pora: Notes on the Clothing of the Ancient Maori, their Knowledge of preparing, dyeing, and weaving various Fibres, together with some Account of Dress and Ornaments, and the Ancient Ceremonies and Superstitions of the Whare Pora, 31, 625.
Diversions of the Whare Tapere: Some Account of the various Games, Amusements, and Trials of Skill practised by the Maori in Former Times, 34, 34.
Maori Eschatology: The Whare Potae (House of Mourning) and its Lore; also some Account of Native Belief in a Spiritual World, 38, 148.
Maori Forest Lore: being some Account of Native Forest Lore and Woodcraft, as also of many Myths, Rites, Customs, and Superstitions connected with the Flora and Fauna of the Tuhoe or Urewera District, 40, 185.
Maori Magic: Notes upon Witchcraft, Magic Rites, and various Superstitions as practised or believed in by the Old-time Maori, 34, 69.
Maori Marriage Customs: being Notes on Ancient Maori Customs, Ritual and Sociological, connected with Courtship, Marriage, and Divorce, 36, 14.
Maori Numeration, 39, 150.
Maori Origins, 32, 294; 33, 467.
Polynesian Migiants, or Voyagers, to N.Z., and Voyage of the "Aratawhao" Canoe to Hawaiki, 37, 121.
Tuhoeland, Food Products of; with Account of Customs, &c., pertaining to Food, 35, 45.