Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/17

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Chilton. C.continued.

Chilton, C., and Thomson, G. M.

Christian, F. W.

Christie, Mrs. H. M.

Church, A. H.

Clarke, E.

Clarke, F. E.

Cockayne, A. H.

Cockayne, L.

Astelia, Veronica, and Celmisia, New Species of, 31, 419.
Botanical Excursion during Midwinter to the Southern Islands of N.Z., 36, 225.
Burning and Reproduction of Subalpine Scrub and its Associated Plants; with Special Reference to Arthur's Pass District, 31, 398.
Celmisia lindsayi, Supposed Mount Bonpland Habitat of, 38, 346.
Coastal Vegetation of the South Island of N.Z.: General Remarks on the Coastal Plant Covering, 39, 312.
Coprosma baueri, Specific Case of Leaf-variation in, 38, 341.
Coprosma propinqua, Behaviour in Cultivation of a Chatham Island Form of, 39, 378.
Freezing of N.Z. Alpine Plants: Notes of an Experiment conducted in the Freezing-chamber, Lyttelton, 30, 435.
Gaya lyallii, Defoliation of, 37, 368; 39, 359.
Gunnera and Myosotis, Occurrence in Chatham Islands of the Genera, 33, 298.
Ligusticum trifoliatum, 31, 424.
Mount Fyffe, Subalpine Scrub of, 38, 361.
Nomenclature of N.Z. Myrsinaceæ, Recent Changes in, 35, 355.
Phanerogams, inquiry into the Seedling Forms of N.Z., and their Development, 31, 354; 32, 83; 33, 265.
Plant Covering of Chatham Island, Short Account of the, 34, 243.
Plant Geography of the Waimakariri River Basin, considered chiefly from an Œcological Point of View, 32, 95.
Plant-habitats, Some Hitherto-unrecorded, 37, 361; 39, 361; 40, 304.
Poor Knights Islands, Brief Botanical Visit to, 38, 351.
Vegetation of the Open Bay Islands, 37, 368.
Veronica macroura, Cook Strait Habitat of, 39, 361.

Cockburn-Hood, T. H.

Cohen, W. P.

Colenso, W.