Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/20

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Cussen, L.

Cuthbertson, J. R.


Daintree, R.

Darnell, B. H.

Davie, C.

Davis, E. H.

Deck, Dr.

Dendy, A.

Denham, H. G.

Dixon, M., and Others.

Dobson, A. D.

Dobson, E.

Doveton, G.

Downes, T. W.

Drew, S. H.

Drummond, J.

Duignan, J.

Dumerque, E. P.

Duncan, A.

Duncan, R.


Easterfield, T. H., and Aston, B. C.

Chemistry of the N.Z. Flora, Studies on the—
Karaka-nut, 34, 495.
Rimu-resin, 36, 483.
Tutu Plant, 33, 345.

Easterfield, T. H., and Bagley, G.