Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/32

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Kirk, H. B.

Kirk, T.

Abrotanella, Remarks on the Genus; with Descriptions of New Species, 24, 418.
Amphibromus, Discovery in N.Z. of; with Description of a New Species—A. fluitans, 16, 374.
Asplenium umbrosum, Remarkable Variety of, 23, 424.
Asteliads, N.Z., with Descriptions of New Species, 4, 241.
Beeches of N.Z., Notes on, 17, 298.
Botanical Notes: Pisonia umbellifera and Meryta sinclairii, 16, 367.
Botanical Specimens, Preparation and Preservation of, 27, 318.
Botany and Conchology of Great Omaha, 5, 363.
Botany in Otago, History of, 29, 532.
Botany of Antipodes Island, 23, 436.
Botany of Bluff Hill, 10, 400.
Botany of East Cape District, 29, 509.
Botany of Great Barrier Island, 1, 144 [2nd ed., 88].
Botany of Islands in Hauraki Gulf, 11, 444.
Botany of Kawau Island: Critical Notes on certain Species of Plants doubtfully Indigenous, 9, 525.
Botany of Northern Part of Province of Auckland, 3, 166.
Botany of Otago, 10, 406.
Botany of the Snares, 23, 426.
Botany of Thames Goldfields, 2, 89.
Botany of certain Places in Waikato District, 3, 142.
Botrychium lunaria, Notes on, 16, 366.
Carex in N.Z., Notes on certain Species of, 23, 448.
Carmichaelia, Corallospartium, Huttonella, and Notospartium, 29, 501.
Carmichaelia, Notes on, with Descriptions of New Species, 16, 378.
Celmisia, New Forms of, 27, 327.
Centrolepis, New Species of: C. minima, C. viridis, and C. strigosa, 23, 441.
Chatham Islands, Naturalised Plants of, 5, 320.
Cheilanthes, N.Z. forms of, 6, 247.
Chenopodium, New Species of: C. buchanani, 22, 446.
Cladophora, New Species of, 12, 397.
Colobanthus, A Revision of the N.Z. Species of, 27, 354.
Cook's First Voyage, Notes on MS. Descriptions of Botanical Collections made during, 28, 491.
Cordyline, Notice of Undescribed Species of, 6, 244.
Cyperaceous Plants, New, chiefly from Nelson Province, 26, 260.
Dacrydium, Revised Arrangement of N.Z. Species of, 10, 383.
Dactylanthus taylori, Notes on, 28, 493.
Dicksonia antarctica and D. lanata, Specific Characters of, 5, 345.
Displacement of Species in N.Z., 28, 1.
Dodders and Broom-rapes naturalised in N.Z., 20, 182.
Double Parasitism in Loranthaceæ, Remarkable Instance of, 8, 329.
Drimys, New Species of: D. traversii, 30, 379.
Epacris purpurascens in N.Z.; with Remarks on Epacris pauciflora, 2, 107.
Fagus, New Species of: F. blairii, 17, 297.
Fern, Remarkable Aborescent, on Ngongotaha, 5, 347.
Ferns and Fern Allies of Stewart Island, 17, 228.
Flax of N.Z. as a Paper-making Material, 3, Proc. 48; 6, 55.
Flora of Auckland Isthmus and Takapuna District, 3, 148; 4, 228.
Flora of Lake District of North Island, 5, 322.
Flora of Nelson Province, Additional Contributions to, 18, 318.
Flora of N.Z., Additions to the, 14. 382.
Flora of N.Z., Additions to; with Critical and Geographical Notes, 10, App. xxviii.
Floras, Indigenous, of British Islands and N.Z. compared, 4, 247.
Floras of N.Z. and Australia, Relationship between, 11, 540.
Flowering-plants, New, 12, 393.
Flowering-plants of Stewart Island, 17, 213.
Forest Products of N.Z., Neglected, 13, 130.
Fuchsias of N.Z., Heterostyled Trimorphic Flowers in the; with Notes on the Distinctive Characters of the Species, 25, 261.
Fungus: Export from N.Z., 11, 454.
Gentians of N.Z., A Revision of the, 27, 330.
Gramineæ, A New Genus of: Simplicia, 29, 497.
Grasses and other Plants adapted for Pasturage in Province of Auckland, 2, 102.
Grasses, Indigenous, in Auckland Province, 4, 299.
Grasses, Introduced, in Auckland Province, 4, 295.
Grasses, Native, Economic Properties of certain, 9, 494.
Grasses, New, from Macquarie Island: Festuca contracta, Poa hamiltonii, and Deschampsia penicillata, 27, 353.
Gunnera, N.Z. Species of, 27, 341.
Gunnera "ovata," Petrie, and G. flavida, Colenso, Remarks on. in Reply to Mr. Petrie, 30, 380.