Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/34

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Kirk, T. W.continued.

Crustaceans, New: Halimus rubiginosus, Gelasimns thomsoni, and Mysis meinestzhageni, 13, 236.
Crustaceans, Some N.Z., 11, 401.
Cuttlefish, Giant: Occurrence on N.Z. Coast, 12, 310.
Decapod. New Species of: Architenthis longimanus, 20, 34.
Dotterel, Red-capped: Occurrence in N.Z., 12, 246.
Fishes of N.Z., Additions to the List of, 12, 308.
Ixodes maskellii, a Parasite of the Albatros, 19, 65.
Lizard, English Scaly (Zootoca vivipara): Occurrence in N.Z., 19, 67.
Maori Implements of Uncommon Design, 22, 539.
Mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) in N.Z., 21, 233.
Mollusca, Marine, of Wellington, 12, 303.
Ornithological Notes, 20, 29; 26, 181.
Palinurus, New Species of: P. tumidus, 12, 313.
Paper Nautilus, New Species of: Argonauta bulleri, 18, 138.
Paper Nautilus, New Species of: Argonauta gracilis, 17, 58.
Pigeon, N.Z. (Carpophaga novæ-zealandiæ), Remarkable Variety of, 18, 129.
Pill-millipede, New: Sphærotherium novæ-zealandiæ, 18, 139.
Planarians, Marine: Thysanozoon huttoni and Encylopta herberti, 14, 267.
Platycercus auriceps, Instance of Abnormal Colouring in, 18, 129.
Plover, Eastern Golden: Occurrence near Wellington, 17, 59.
Plover, Masked (Lobicanellus personatus), Occurrence in N.Z. of, 20, 33.
Shells, New, 12, 306; 14, 282.
Shells of N.Z., Additions to List of, 14, 268.
Soaring of the Hawk: a Possible Reason for Notched Wing-feathers, 22, 325.
Sparrow, European (Passer domesticus), in N.Z., Breeding Habits of the, 23, 108.
Tertiary Fossils. New, 14, 409.
Vitrina milligani: Occurrence in N.Z., 12, 307.
Vorticellæ, Specimens of, collected in Neighbourhood of Wellington, 18, 215.
Worm, Double, Note on a Curious, 19, 64.
Xanthium strumarium, Occurrence in N.Z. of, 26, 310.

Klotz, O.

Knight, C.

Knox, F. J.

Krämer, A.


Laing, R. M.

Lautour, H. A. de.

Leahy, J. P. D.

Lecoy, A.

Lee, C. W.

Lemon, C.