Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/48

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Travers, W. T. L.continued.

Lake District of Auckland Province, 9, 3.
Material and Scientific Progress in N.Z. during the Victorian Era, 30, 1.
Moa, Extinction of the: Review of Discussions published in the Transactions, 8, 58.
Morioris, Traditions and Manners and Customs of the, 9, 15.
Organic Productions of N.Z., Distribution of the, 16, 461.
Paryphanta in N.Z., Notes on the Larger Species of; with Remarks on the Distribution and Dispersal of Land-shells, 27, 224.
Patellidæ, Notes on, with reference to Species found on the Rocks at Island and Lyall Bays, 30, 309.
Pathogenic Microbes, and the Means of preventing Diseases originating in their Introduction into the System, 22, 55.
Phormium tenax, Utilisation of, 1, 168 [2nd ed., 114].
Photography, Practice of Outdoor, 4, 160.
Pleistocene Glaciation of N.Z., Notes on Dr. Haast's Supposed, 7, 409.
Podiceps cristatus, Notes on Habits of, 3, 113.
Polygonum ariculare, Origin in N.Z. of, 5, 310.
Presidential Address to Wellington Philosophical Society—1871, 4, 356; 1878, 10, 539; 1896, 29, 111.
Rauparaha, Te, Life and Times of, 5, 19.
Sand-dunes of the West Coast of Wellington Province, Reclamation of, 14, 89.
Sand-worn Stone of Evans Bay, 2, 247.
Survey: Notes on the System proposed by Mr. Thomson for N.Z., from a Legal Point of View, 9, 280.
"Traditions of the New-Zealanders," as collected by Sir G. Grey, Historical Value of, 4, 51.
Warmer Climate in High Northern Latitudes during Former Geological Periods, Causes of, 10, 459, 470.

Tregear, E.

Ancient Alphabets in Polynesia, 20, 353.
Aryo-Semitic Maori: Reply to A. S. Atkinson, 20, 400.
Ceremonial Language, 27, 593.
Congenital Stigmata, 31, 623.
Hypnotism, A Phase of, 29, 83.
Maori Civilisation, Old, 26, 533.
Maori in Asia, 18, 3.
Maori Spirals and Sun-worship, 32, 284.
Moa, Extinction of the, 25, 413.
Moriori, The, 22, 75.
Mythology, Comparative, Thoughts on, 30, 50.
Myths of Observation, 27, 579.
Name for a Spider, A, 32, 298.
Polynesian Folk-lore, 19, 486.
Polynesian Folk-lore: the Origin of Fire, 20, 369.
Polynesian Legends of the Deluge, 22, 506.
Polynesian Words, Curious, 23, 531.
Polynesians, Ancient, Knowledge of Cattle amongst, 21, 447.
Presidential Address to Wellington Philosophical Society—1891, 24, 687; 1898, 31, 605.
Track of a Word: the Maori Noun Mata, 19, 482.

Tunny, J. M.

Turnbull, T. (Architect, Wellington).

Turnbull, T. (Harbourmaster, Westland).


Urquhart, A. T.


Vaux, W. S. W.

Verrill, A. E.


Wakefield, C. M.

Wakefield, F.

Wakelin, T.