Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/55

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Bæomiyces [Bæomyces] heteromorphus, Finding in N.Z. of (W. Coienso), 13, 368.
Ballast-heap, Products of a (T. Kirk), 28, 501.
Barks for Tanning Purposes, N.Z. and Australian (J. A. Smith), 11, 570.
Beeches of N.Z., Notes on (T. Kirk), 17, 298.
Bird-killing Tree, A: Pisonia brunoniana (R. H. Govett), 16, 364.
Bluff Hill, Botany of (T. Kirk), 10, 400.
Bolbophyllum exiguum (J. Buchanan), 15, 397.
Botany of N.Z. (W. Colenso), 16, 325.
Botany of N.Z., Plain and Practical Thoughts and Notes on (W. Colenso), 24, 400.
Botrychium lunaria, Notes on (T. Kirk), 16, 366.
Botrychium lunaria, Occurrence in N.Z. of (J. D. Enys), 16, 363.
Brachyglottis repanda and B. rangiora, Search for Poisonous Principle of (W. Skey), 14, 400.
British Plants (Weeds) recently introduced (W. Colenso), 18, 288.
Burning and Reproduction of Subalpine Scrub and its Associated Plants; with Special Reference to Arthur's Pass District (L. Cockayne), 31, 398.
Bush, Disappearance of the N.Z. (P. Walsh), 29, 490.
Bush, Future of the N.Z. (P. Walsh), 31, 471.
Bush Jottings: Botanical (W. Colenso), 25, 307.
Bush Notes; or, Short Objective Jottings (W. Colenso), 23, 477.
Calceolaria repens and other Plants discovered in Wellington District (H. B. Kirk), 11, 466.
Calochilus paludosus (J. Buchanan), 16, 397.
Campbell Island and its Flora (J. Buchanan), 16, 398.
Campbell Island, Plants from (T. Kirk), 14, 387.
Canterbury, Flora of Nelson and Marlborough compared with that of (W. T. L. Travers), 1, Pt. iii, 17 [2nd ed., 174].
Canterbury Province, Distribution of Plants in (J. von Haast), 2, 118.
Canterbury Province, Flora of, with Catalogue of Species (J. B. Armstrong), 12, 325.
Canterbury Province, Naturalised Plants of (J. F. Armstrong), 4, 284.
Carex, Additional Notes on the Genus (T. F. Cheeseman), 24, 413.
Carex in N.Z., Notes on certain Species of (T. Kirk), 23, 448.
Carex, New Species of: C. kaloides and C. viridis (D. Petrie), 13, 332.
Carex, New Species of: C. littoralis and C. cheesemanii (D. Petrie), 15, 358.
Carex pterocarpa and C. rubicanda (D. Petrie), 31, 353.
Carex, Revision of the N.Z. Species of (T. F. Cheeseman), 16, 414.
Carmichaelia, A New Species of; with Notes on the Distribution of the Species Native to Otago (D. Petrie), 17, 272.
Carmichaelia, Notes on, with Descriptions of New Species (T. Kirk), 16, 378.
Carmichaelia, Corallospartium, Huttonella, and Notospartium (T. Kirk), 29, 501.
Cassinia leptophylla, Spread of (W. T. L. Travers), 6, 248.
Celmisia, Astelia, and Veronica, New Species of (L. Cockayne), 31, 419.
Celmisia lindsayi, Supposed Mount Bonpland Habitat of (L. Cockayne), 38, 346.
Celmisia, New Forms of (T. Kirk), 27, 327.
Celmisia, New Species of: C. brownii (F. R. Chapman), 22, 444.
Celmisia, New Species of: C. campbellensis (F. R. Chapman), 23, 407.
Celmisia, New Species of: C. cordatifolia (J. Buchanan), 11, 427.
Celmisia sessiliflora, var. minor (D. Petrie), 15, 359.
Centrolepis, New Species of: C. minima, C. viridis, and C. strigosa (T. Kirk), 23, 441.
Ceramiaceæ, The N.Z. Species of (R. M. Laing), 37, 384.
Chatham Island Plants: Notes on H. H. Travers's Collections (F. von Mueller), 5, 309.
Chatham Island, Short Account of the Plant Covering of (L. Cockayne), 34, 243.
Chatham Islands, Flowering Plants and Ferns of (J. Buchanan), 7, 333.
Chatham Islands, Naturalised Plants of (T. Kirk), 5, 320.
Cheilanthes, N.Z. Forms of (T. Kirk), 6, 247.
Chenopodium, New Species of: C. buchanani (T. Kirk), 22, 446.
Christchurch, Vegetation of the Neighbourhood of (J. F. Armstrong), 2, 118.
Cladophora, New Species of (T. Kirk), 12, 397.
Clianthus puniceus (W. Colenso), 18, 291.
Coastal Vegetation of the South Island of N.Z.: General Remarks on the Coastal Plant Covering (L. Cockayne), 39, 312.
Coffee, N.Z. (J. C. Crawford), 9, 545.
Colobanthus, A Revision of the N.Z. Species of (T. Kirk), 27, 354.
Conifer Leaves, Development of some N.Z., with regard to Transfusion Tissue and to Adaptation to Environment (E. M. Griffin), 40, 43.
Cook's First Voyage, Notes on MS. Descriptions of Botanical Collections made during (T. Kirk), 28, 491.
Coprosma baueri, Specific Case of Leaf-variation in (L. Cockayne), 38, 341.
Coprosma grandiflora, Examination of the Bark of, for Alkaloids (W. Skey), 2, 152.
Coprosma, Leaf-structure of (N. A. R. Greensill), 35, 342.
Coprosma, New Native Species of: C. banksii (D. Petrie), 30, 433.
Coprosma, New Species of: C. virescens (D. Petrie), 11, 426.
Coprosma, N.Z. Species of (T. F. Cheeseman), 19, 218.
Coprosma propinqua, Behaviour in Cultivation of a Chatham Island Form of (L. Cockayne), 39, 378.
Coprosma, Three New Species of: C. tenuifolia, C. areolata, and C. petriei (T. F. Cheeseman), 18, 315.
Corallospartium, Carmichaelia, Huttonella, and Notospartium (T. Kirk), 29, 501.
Corallospartium, Genus (J. B. Armstrong), 13, 333.
Cordyceps (see Vegetable Caterpillar, p. 76).