Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/78

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Ornithology of N.Z.: Remarks on O. Finsch's Paper (W. L. Buller), 8, 194.
Owl, N.Z. (Athene novæ-zealandiæ), 21, 200.
Petane District, List of Birds of, with Notes and Observations (A. Hamilton), 18, 123.
Petrel, Antarctic (Priocella antarctica), 9, 464.
Petrel, New Species of: Procellaria affinis (W. L. Buller), 7, 215.
Phalaropus fulicarius, Occurrence in N.Z. of (J. von Haast), 16, 279.
Decrease of Pheasants on the West Coast of the North Island (E. N. Liffiton), 21, 225.
Introduction into Province of Auckland (F. W. Hutton), 2, 80.
Tuberculosis in Pheasants in Wanganui (S. H. Drew), 32, 54.
Pigeon, N.Z. (Carpophaga novæ-zealandæ), 18, 129.
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill), 9, 337.
Platalea regia, Occurrence in N.Z. of (T. Iredale), 39, 137.
Platycercus auriceps, Instance of Abnormal Colouring in (T. W. Kirk), 18, 129.
Platycercus auriceps, Remarkable Variation in the Colour of (R. I. Kingsley), 23, 192.
Platycercus from Antipodes Island: P. crythrotis (H. O. Forbes), 24, 190.
Platycercus rowleyi, a New Species of Parrakeet in N.Z. (W. L. Buller), 7, 219.
Platycercus unicolor in British Museum (W. L. Buller), 6, 121.
Plotus novæ-hollandiæ: Occurrence in N.Z. (W. L. Buller), 7, 217.
Plover, Eastern Golden—
Observations on Breeding Habits (C. H. Robson), 16, 308.
Occurrence in Auckland District (T. F. Cheeseman), 14, 264.
Occurrence near Wellington (T. W. Kirk), 17, 59.
Plover, Masked (Lobivanellus personatus), 20, 33.
Podiceps cristatus, Notes on Habits of (W. T. L. Travers), 3, 113.
Poua and other Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands (T. White), 29, 162, 632.
Prion banksii, Specific Value of (W. L. Buller), 11, 351.
Protection of Native Birds (H. B. Martin), 18, 112.
Quail (J. Hector), 32, 426.
Rail, Flightless, of the Chatham Islands (Cabalus modestus), 25, 52.
Rail from Auckland Islands, New: Rallus muelleri (W. Rothschild), 26, 180.
Rail, New Species of: Rallus pictus (T. H. Potts), 4, 202.
Rallidæ, New Genus of (F. W. Hutton), 6, 108.
Rare Species of Birds of N.Z. (W. L. Buller), 16, 308.
Roller, Australian (Eurystomus pacifcus), 28, 449.
Roller, Australian: Occurrence in N.Z. (T. F. Cheeseman), 14, 265.
Sceloglaux albifacies, the Laughing-owl of N.Z. (R. I. Kingsley), 23, 190.
Phalacrocorax carunculatus (F. W. Hutton), 11, 332.
Phalacrocorax colensoi of Auckland Islands and P. onslowi of Chatham Islands (W. L. Buller), 27, 129.
Species of Shag inhabiting Queen Charlotte Sound (W. L. Buller), 9, 338.
Small Birds of N.Z., Disappearance of the (D. C. Wilson), 10, 239.
Snipe, Australian (Gallinago australis), 31, 105.
South Island Birds and Maori Associations connected therewith (J. Cowan), 38, 337.
Sparrow, European (Passer domesticus), 23, 108.
Sparrow Plague and its Remedy (A. Bathgate), 36, 67.
Sparrows, Rabbits, and Weasels (T. White), 23, 201.
Swallows and Martins in Hicks Bay (H. Hill), 30, 532.
Tern, Alleged New Species of: Sterna alba (W. L. Buller), 7, 214.
Tree-swallow, Australian: Occurrence in N.Z. (W. L. Buller), 7, 510; 11, 360.
Tropic Bird, Red-tailed: Addition to the Avifauna of N.Z. (W. L. Buller), 10, 219.
Variations of Colour, Birds of N.Z. exhibiting curious (T. W. Kirk), 17, 60.
Winged Pilot of Hawaiki (P. Walsh), 38, 127.
Zosterops lateralis in N.Z., with Account of its Migrations (W. L. Buller), 3, 15.


Lizard: Disappearance of Larger Kinds from North Canterbury (J. W. Stack), 7, 295.
Lizard, English Scaly (Zootoca vivipara), 19, 67.
Lizard, N.Z. (supposed New Species of Naultinus), 12, 251.
Lizard, New: Naultinus pulcherrimus (W. L. Buller), 9, 326.
Lizard supposed to be New to Science: Naultinus versicolor (W. Colenso), 17, 149.
Lizards indigenous to N.Z. (A. H. S. Lucas and C. Frost), 29, 264.
Lizards inhabiting N.Z., List of, with Descriptions (W. L. Buller), 3, 4, 56.
Lizards of N.Z., with Description of Two New Species (F. W. Hutton), 4, 167; [See also 5, 404].
Lizards of the Genus Naultinus, New Species of (W. L. Buller), 12, 314; 13, 419.
Luth, or Leathery Turtle: Occurrence on the Coasts of N.Z. (T. F. Cheeseman), 25, 108.
Marine Reptilia in N.Z. Waters, Notes on the Occurrence of certain (T. F. Cheeseman), 40, 267.
Naultinus and Norbea (W. L. Buller), 5, 404.