Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/155

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each time as a ball of the sandesh is pressed into the cast to give the desired shape.

In preparing sandesh always use iron pot and wooden ladle and as soon as it is prepared transfer it on an wooden plate when moulded into shapes. Then keep them in earthen pots.


Mix pastes of hard chhana 1 seer and almonds ½ powa with syrup of white sugar 3 powas, and heat on fire. Stir continuously and vigorously till sticky when taking off the fire add pieces of pistachios 1 chhatak and 4 drops of essence of rose, and stir as before till cold and hard. Make balls of it and give any shape with the help of casts.


Heat syrup of sugar 2¼ seer and when slightly warm add a paste of hard chhana 1 seer. Stir continuously and vigorously till sticky. Then take it off fire and stir as before till cold. This sandesh is generally not so hard as to take any definite arid durable shape. So make balls of it and serve.


Prepare a syrup of 1½ seer of solid date-sugar (khejuri gur) and when it is slightly warm add a paste of 1 seer