Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/60

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In preparing vegetable curries it is not always possible to mention the exact weights or volumes of the ingredients required—vegetables, spices, salt, water, etc.—a little experience is needed in judging the requisite quantities.


Required:—Varieties of vegetables, as jhinga, potato, patol, brinjal, radish, beans, figs, green bananas, bori (dried cakes of pasted pulse), the kernel of a ripe cocoanut scratched out, sajina khara, kachu, etc. Use several of them with something bitter like tender jute leaves and neem leaves, uch-chhe, karala, palta, etc. Pieces of peeled green bananas are to be kept in water for some time otherwise the curry will be very black.

Method:— Brown the boris in oil first and keep them aside. Fry the bitter vegetables in sufficient oil and add the other pieces of peeled vegetables. When everything is properly browned by constant stirring, add water with very little powdered turmeric and pasted ginger, and sufficient quantities of salt, powdered mustard, pepper and cumin. Add the browned boris when the mass is boiled. Season it with some ghee heated with a few mustard seeds. A little milk or sugar may be added now if desired. Take down with a quantity of soup.