Page:Indian Copyright Act 1847.djvu/1

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Section VII.—Application of the Articles.

Article 153.—To what persons and classes these articles to apply, viz., all officers, soldiers, all drivers, farriers, &c., provided that persons of European descent, &c., professing the Christian religion, shall not be amenable to these Articles, &c., but shall be tried as persons who are subject to the Mutiny Act, &c.

Promulgation of Articles.

Articles 154.—The above Articles to be translated into the languages of the different Presidencies, specified parts to be read every six months, at the head of every regiment, &c.

An Act to make certain Amendments in the Articles of War for the government of the Native Officers and Soldiers in the Military Service of the East India Company.

Repealed by Act XXIX., 1861, which re-enacts Articles of War for the Native Army.

Act No. XX. of 1847.

[Passed on the 18th December, 1847.

Recites doubts whether Copyright can be enforced either in Territories of the E. I. C. into which the Common Law has been introduced, or in other parts, according to the principles of equity and good conscience; also that, for the encouragement of learning, it is expedient Copyright should be established: and recites doubts whether the Act of Parliament, 5 and 6 V., c. 45, has made provision for the enforcement of the right against persons not being British Subjects. Enacts—

1. That Copyright in every book published in India in the life time of the author, after the 28th August, 1833, shall endure for the natural life of the author and seven years after, or for 42 years if the seven years sooner expire; and any book published after said date and death of the author, shall endure for 42 years and shall be the property of the proprietor of the author's M.S.

2. Provides against the suppression of books of importance, by authorizing the G. G. in C. to grant a licence for the publication of any book after the death of the author, if the proprietor has refused to publish it.

3. Book of Registry and copyright to be kept in the office of the Sec. to the Government of India, and to be open to inspection and search on payment of eight annas, and copy of any entry to be given on payment of two rupees; and such copy to be evidence.

4. Wilfully making, &c., false entry in Registry, &c., or producing, &c., any paper in evidence falsely purporting to be copy of entry, to be a misdemeanour, and punishable with imprisonment, &c., not exceeding three years.