Page:Indian Home Rule by Mohandas K. Gandhi.djvu/126

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Indian Home Rule
  1. be in gaol or in banishment is much the best;
  1. like others, will know that it is superstition to imagine it necessary that we should guard against being imprisoned in order that we may deal with the people;
  2. like others, will know that action is much better than speech; that it is our duty to say exactly what we think and face the consequences, and that it will be only then that we shall be able to impress anybody with our speech;
  3. like others, will understand that we will become free only through suffering;
  4. like others, will understand that deportation for life to the Andamans is not enough expiation for the sin of encouraging European civilization;
  5. like others, will know that no nation has risen without suffering; that, even in physical warfare, the true test is suffering and not the killing of others, much more so in the warfare of passive resistance;
  6. like others, will know that it is an idle excuse to say that we will do a thing when the others also do it; that we should do what we know to be right, and that others will do it when they see the way; that when