Page:Indian Home Rule by Mohandas K. Gandhi.djvu/132

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Indian Home Rule

Romans, and of one Semetic race, the Jewish may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human, a life, not for this life only but a transfigured and eternal life — again I should point to India."

Michael G. Mulhall, F.R.S.S.

Statistics (1899).

Prison population per 100,000 of inhabitants:
Several European States 100 to 230
England and Wales 90
India 38

—"Dictionary of Statistics," Michael G. Mulhall, F.R.S.S., Routledge and Sons, 1899.

Colonel Thomas Munro.

Thirty-two years' service in India.

"If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to convenience or luxury; schools established in every village, for teaching, reading, writing and arithmetic; the general practice of hospitality and charity among each other; and, above all, treatment of the female sex, full of confidence, respect and delicacy, are among the signs which denote a civilised people, then the Hindus are not inferior to the nations of Europe; and if civilization is to become an article of trade between the two