Page:Indian Home Rule by Mohandas K. Gandhi.djvu/17

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Chap.   Page
I The Congress and Its Officials 11
II The Partition of Bengal 18
III The Discontent and Unrest 21
IV What is Swaraj? 22
V The Condition of England 26
VI Civilization 30
VII Why was India Lost? 35
VIII The condition of India 39
IX Do. Railways 43
X Do. Hindus and Mahomedans 47
XI Do. Lawyers 55
XII Do. Doctors 60
XIII What is True Civilization? 63
XIV How can India become Free? 67
XV Italy and India 71
XVI Brute Force 75
XVII Passive Resistance 84
XVIII Education 97
XIX Machinery 105
XX Conclusion 110
  Appendices 123