Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/121

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BELTIN TO INDI [Thz followin? tabl? .i? ?bbr?vi?ted] Item? of Expenditure Fiah, Milk md Ghi S?, Oil ami 81,im Ot? Clotbin ...... Totmeeo, Moburns, Betel Nut ... Utensils, Home Reptirs, Furniture Kerosine Oil ...... ? of Ce?Je, Boats, ,.. Mmlieai Treatment ...... EntertmZnmemt ...... Amount Spent Annually by ? F&mily in Comfort 8 0 0 tO 0 10 13 4 9 14 o 18 4 8 8 12 0 2 8 2 1? 8 I '1? 4 2 0 12 0 10 8 8 8 I 0 0 4 4 8 Amount Spent Annually by s Family in iextreme indigence 4 0 0 2 0 7 4 4 11 4 1 IS o 2 4 ! 2 8 6 o I o 2 o 5 o 2 o 6 o 1 I o The standard of livi?ng whieh obtains among the' culti- vators is mueh more uniform than among the non-cultiva- tors, in wh?eh class are ?neluded the eooly, the artisan, tim ?hopkeeper mid the professional man, eaeh group Iraring & different set of_ traditional ways of living.