Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/324

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$. M. PAAR thus to realise the dream of the universal peace. all ?his exhausted. Bu? mean? more money. Akbar's ?reasure was Some of ?he old .impos?s were resorted ?o, among ?hem ?he humiliating jiziah, which crea?ed more ?rouble ?han Aurangzil? had ever anticipated. The jizi?k, no? ?he amoun? of ?]?e ?ax as such, bu? ?he method by which i? was assessed and collected, was a? any ra?e one of. ?he causes ?ha? finally led to ?he downfall of ?he Hoghul Empire in India. (b) Tke L?&r Hind? P?riod.---A revival of Hindu power was at?emp?ed by ?he Hahra?has, who, according ?o Prof. J. Sarkar ?he well known Indian his?oriar? of ?he Hoghul Empire under Aurangzib, were ?he only people among ?he Hindus ?o resis? ?he onslaughts of Islam. Mahra?has, ?rue ?o ?heir ?radifion, always small nationalities and convinced ?ha? ?he The believing in ?horoughly decen?ralised governmen? was in India. They were, a? from a?empfing ?o from one central place idea of decen?ralisafion India This the least rule ?heir rights, es?ablishmen? only in local of a ?hing possible ?he beginning, a confinen? like like Delhi or London. and of local taxation for est contributions k? purposes the es?ablishmen? were ?heir grea?- appeal directly to the finance minister over-assesssment of the land tax. ? ?oday is slowly bu? surely putting in?o practice. They were specially particular about land revenue. Leases to small peasant-proprietors extending over 70 years were not uncommon. The peasants could Besides the land revenue, ?here were other taxes, the revenue from which was extroardinary revenue as revenue. These taxes termed as Nuk?a-bab or the distinguished from the land may be brie(ty stated as follows: '? (1) the Hohturpha, a ?sx on merchants, O, Duff, Hi?tory thz Mahratha?, Vol lI, Appendix, Duff, O, Hist, of ? Mahzatho?, Vol. 1I, p. 2S8. in case of Indian history, which Britain