Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/71

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ART OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 59 It is unnecessary. to carry any further the analysis q? incomes resulting owner, ship; but in the a further subdivision Taking the civil froIn case is revenues private of Government necessary first, we enterprize and revenues ?nd is in use. m?y no?oe that it has long been the major irrigation works in portion of increased land those works. to be made as works. Hence we practice in connection wi?h the India to distinguish the revenue which may be attributed to the supply of water as indirect revenue of A similar distinction could be and ought railways, regard the and, other public civil revenue as regards may divided into two parts--the p,gmitive revenue, as I iatend to call that part which would have been-obtained in any case by taxation, fees and rents in the ordinary process of governing an undeveloped territory populated to t?e maximum and the indireat impossible to either of these given time, for possible determine revenues for a both grow in its undeveloped state, of public works. It is precisely the amount of given district at a with increase of but they may be their population; at the present, and foretold with sufficient accuracy development programs. The direct revenue, consists of approximately estimated future growth can be for the purpose of the sum total of the gross receipts (or gross revenue, which is the same thing) of the commercial service operating public work considered separately; and the ing are the recognized subdivisions. Out of receipts a large part is required to pay each follow- gross working is termed The the works in thorough going working expenses, but it is not net profits. cost of order the repairs to keep is included in practice of the . expenses. The balance is available to pay the interest on the capital outlay. Any further balance remaining