Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/76

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64 H. $. JEON$ and of the principal sections settled :-- thereof, as now provisionally .--FINANCIAL PRINCIPLES 1. Importance of the study of finap. ce ?. The three systems of finance 8. Taxable capacity 4. Distribution of burdens as between present and future-- Periods of public debts I.---OBJI?CT8 OF ]DEVELOPMENT II.--SOClA.L, POLITICAL AND LEGAL PItINCIPLE8 1. Security essential 2. Evolution, natural tendencies and control 8. Land tenure s)'stem, stability and inertia 4. Mobility essential to true development--its place in social development VIII.--OaDEa OF DEVELOPMENT 1. Measures to be undertaken for development, and general principles of their scientific co-ordination I. Economic principles applicable to determinhag order of . undertaking measures of different kinds 8: Order recommended fcr undeveloped tracts IX.---PLANNING AND CO-ORDINATION DESIGNING TO SECtlltE PUBLIC WORKS AND MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY THElit Railways (location of) Road planning--Inland waterways-- Harbors and por?s--IFFigation works--Hydro*electric power schemes?Mines and industries--Industrial suburbs. X.--FINANCE OF DEVELOPMENT MEASURES Realizable revenues--Taxable capacity as limiting factor of public debt--Finance of (1) Commercial services and works, (2) non-reproductive works, (8) education, (4) public amenities--Forms and conditions of public debts. XI.--ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Necessity for a co-ordinating authority--Preliminary investiga- tions---Surveys of resources---lqecessity for experiment and statistical record--Departmental reperts--?rovision of fund8 and control of execution. .