Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/90

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78 GILBERT SLATER reasonable rate of interoat such as 9, 1.% or 15 per omit per annum. But deal of the borrowing in villages is done either in the shape of small sums of mon, y or advances of food grain. seed groin and other commodities on credit, and it is the Interest on these latter transitorions that proves the most ruinous. If one stayed in a village in a district like South Areot or Ohingleput for a few days m?e earetul enquiries ?mong the vilhtp?ers. one will come a?rmm many oases in which ryots borrowed a single ? for se? grain and bought eight Madras measures of seed with it ca the understanding that at the harvest time i.e., about 6 months thereafter the creditor should be paid Im?k the rupee plus three Madras messur? of paddy, the money value of whicll at harvest t;.me is generally four annas. In other words, they agreed to pay 25 p?r cent more for the use of the money for six months. This high rate of interest does not of course prevail all the year round, but six months of such intarest are enough to break any ryot's ba?k. l?her, all pur- chases of articles on credit carry very high mtms o! interest besides giving room to the exercise of much fraud on the part of the lender Oorreot and deraired iofor- marion as regards the rates and forms of Interest paid on the several kinds of !oan? would afford valuable help towards the suggestion of m?ans to ovm?ome the evils of |ndebtedness." I. SANITARY CONDITION OF VII,LA(?E. , (1) Prevalence of Malaria. (2) Do. (3) Do. (4) Do. (5) Do. (6) Do. (7) Do. Cholera. Plague. Tuberculosis. Small-pox. Other epidemic diseases. Other endemic diseases. (8) Estimated rate of infantile mortality. (9) Snake bites. (10) Medical assistance available. (11) Insanitary habits. (1'?) Prevalent enstolns w?th xe?.ard to (a) Infant marriage. (b) Purdah. (13) (14) Nature and quality of water supply for drinking and domestic purposes. Do the villagers bathe and wash clothes in the sa:ne stream or tank ?s that used..for drinking?


(1) Number of schools. (2) School accommodation. 8) Educational character of schools. (4) Number of boys in attendance.. ( 5 ) Do. girls do. (6) Average dnration of school life.