Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/173

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The seeds act as a digestive condiment, if taken moderately.

If swallowed whole they operate as a laxative, and for this purpose are sometimes prescribed in dyspepsia and other complaints attended with torpid bowels (Watt).

The pure fresh oil is a stimulant and mild counter-irritant when applied externally. As such, it is very useful in mild attacks of sore-throat, internal congestion, and chronic muscular rheumatism (Surg. D. Basu, Faridpur).

The oil rubbed on the feet and the bridge of the nose cut short a head cold in one night. I have never seen it fail. In slight bronchitic affections of children, it makes a very useful mild counter-irritant application to the chest. It is also a very useful application in ordinary sore-throat (Surg. K, D. Ghose).

80. B. camprestris, Linn. h.f.b.i., i. 156.

Syn.:—Sinapis dichotoma and S. Glauca. Roxb. 497, 498,

Vern.:—Sarson, Sarson-zard, bara-lai, Sheta-Shirsa, banga-sarson, pila-sarson, rara-sarson, pili rai (H.); shwet-rai (B.); Sarashire, raira (Guj.); Hile-rayan (Deck.).

Habitat:—Cultivated throughout India.

(Variety Sarson, Prain F. B. Ind. I 156 under B. campestris, sub-species Napus). Stem 4-5 ft., unbranched or branching only near the top. Leaves glaucous, all (except the lowest 2 or 3), with stem clasping basal lobes ; lower leaves pinhati-partite, 6-8 by 2-3 in., terminal lobe much the largest; upper leaves oblong or lanceolate, 2J-3 in., more or less pinnatifid. Flowers nearly in. diam. Pods various, erect or pendent, sometimes 3 or 4-valved ; erect pods 2 in., pendent pods 3-3J in. long, including the beak ; beak conical, up to 1 in. Seeds 30-80 in a pod. A cold weather crop in the plains and hills, up to 6,000 ft. Indian Colza. Native name Sarson.

Parts used:—The seeds.

Uses:—The oil, combined with camphor, forms an efficacious embrocation in muscular rheumatism, stiff neck, &c. The seeds mixed with hot water form an efficient counter-irritant