Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/532

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usually simple, the slender zigzag rachis densely grey-downy ; bracts erecto-patent, short petioled, deeply cordate, ½-lin. long, obscurely cuspidate in the typical form. Calyx ¼in., finely pilose ; teeth lanceolate, exceeding the tube. Corolla purple, little exserted. Pod oblong, turgid, ¼-⅜⅜in. long, finely downy, 2-seeded (J. G-. Baker).

Use :— The roots are used by the Santals in epilepsy (Rev. A. Campbell).

397. F. chappar, Ham., h.f.b.l, ii. 227.

Habitat : —Eastern Himalayas, Behar, Ava.

General habit and inflorescence just as that of Flemingia strobilifera (R. Br.) Branches terete, with a thin coating of adpressed hairs. Leaves nearly as broad as long, rotundo-cordate, or broad cordate, acuminate, 2-4in. Sub-coriaceous, green, glabrous above, minutely dewy, grey below ; petiole 1½in. long. Recemes often panicled. Rachis more woody than in F. Strobilifer, the pubescence shorter. Bracts firmer, less distinctly veined, much broader than long. Calyx 1/6-1/5in. ; teeth lanceolate, as long as the tube. Corolla twice the Calyx. Pod as in F. Strobilifer.

Use : — It is used just like the preceding species.

398. F. grahamiana, W. & A. h.f.b.l, ii. 228.

Habitat : — Nilghiris.

A low, erect shrub, with tomentose young shoots. Branches sub-terete. Stipules lanceolate, ¼-⅓in. Caducous ; petiole ½-lin. erecto-patent not winged. Leaflets obovate, obtuse or sub-acute, sub-coriaceous, 2-3in. long, plicate, glabrous above, grey-silky, especially on the ribs beneath many of the veinlets are raised. Bracts linear erecto-patent, firm sub-persistent, ¼in. Spikes dense, oblong, l-2in. long, often fascicled. Calyx shaggy, ⅜in., teeth plumose, linear-testaceous subequal. Corolla not exserted. Pod oblong, ⅜in. long, finely pubescent, and often covered with red viscous glands.

Use : — The source of Wars remained unknown until 1884, when it was ascertained to be the glands of the pod of F. Grahamiana ; but, as far as I can ascertain, the drug has never been collected in India (Dymock).