Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/535

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Calyx 1/12in. long, with a pair of obtuse, hairy, adpressed bracteoles. Corolla twice as long as the Calyx. Stamens 10, monadelphous, deeply divided into 2 bundles of 5 each, ovary pubescent. Pod thin, strap-shaped, apiculate, 2-4 by ¾-1in., 1-3-seeded, thinly brown-tomentose, the place of the seed distinctly marked ; stalk short (TALBOT).

Use : — The leaves are used in Goa as an alterative. The bark is used as a Up to remove pimples (Dymock).

402. D. lanceolaria, Linn, h.f.b.i., ii. 235.

Syn. : — D. frondosa, 266, Roxb. 534.

Vern : — Takoli, bithûa (H.) ; Chakemdia (B.) ; Piri (Kol.); Chapot-siris (Santal.) ; Bander-siris (Nepal) ; Pâssi (Raj.) ; Dandous (Sind) ; Jakoli, harrani, gengri (Bomb.) ; Kanrchi, dandusa (Mar.); Barbat, parbâti (Banswara) ; Gengri (Panch Mahals); Nal-valanga (Tam.); Erra-pachchari, pedda-sopara, yerra-patsaru, pasarganni (Tel.).

Habitat. — Plains from the West-Himalaya to Ceylon. N. Kanara, Konkan and (Khandesh), from Ajmer to Behar. Sikkim, Terai. A beautiful tree when covered with flowers and young leaves (BRANDIS).

A large erect, deciduous tree, with glabrous branches. Bark ¼in. thick, compact, grey, smooth, exfoliating in thin, rounded patches. Wood white or yellowish-white, moderately hard ; no heartwood (Gamble Leaves 3-6in. long, stipules minute, caducous. Leaflets about 15, ovate or obovate, obtuse, emarginate glabrous, dark-green above, much paler beneath, coriaceous, ¾-1½ by ½-¾ in. ; lateral nerves numerous, parallel, prominent on upper surface (Talbot). Brandis says : — "Leaflets 11-17, l-2in. long, not black when dry, ovate or obovate, obtuse, secondary nerves more distinct than the reticulate veins joining them. Flowers in short, unilateral and axillary panicles, with spreading branches." ' ; Panicles," says Talbot, " clothed with rufous pubes- cence, large lax, terminal and axillary, appearing when the tree is bare of leaves." Calyx brownish-purple, the two upper Calyx- teeth obtuse, the 3 lower acute. Corolla pale, pink ; standard broadly obovate. Stamens 10, in 2 bundles of 5 each. Pod