Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/87

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imbricate. Petals none. Stamens many. Carpels many, sessile, many ovuled, Style short, curved

Fruit a head of narrow, flattened, many-seeded follicles, beaked with the persistent styles.

Use:—In Hazara, the root is considered poisonous. (Stewart).

8. Coptis teeta, Wall., I. 23.

Vern.:—Tita(Ass); Mahmira (Sind); Mamira (H.).

Habitat:—Met with in Mishmi mountains, east of Assam, in temperate regions.

Small stemless herbs.

Rootstock horizontal, perennial, golden yellow, woody, densely fibrous, very bitter. Leaves ternatisect, glabrous, petioles 6-12 in.; leaflets 2-3 in., ovate-lanceolate, pinnatifid, lobes incised, terminal largest. Scape equalling the leaves. Flowers 1-3—pedicelled, regular, small, white on slender leafless scapes. Bracts leafy. Sepals 5-6, 1/2 in. oblong—lanceolate, acute. Petals 5-6, narrow, ligulate, obtuse, 2/3 shorter than the sepals. Carpels pedicelled, spreading. Ocules many. Follicles many-seeded. Seeds with a black crustaceous testa. Mishmi nuts, Bengal.

Part used:—The root.

Use:—It is a bitter tonic, useful in fevers and atonic dyspepsia.

9. Delphinium denudatum, Wall. h.f. br. i., I. 25.

Vern.:—Nirbisi, judwâr (H.); Nilobikh (Nepal); Munila (Simla).

Habitat:—West temperate Himalaya, from Kashmir to Knmaon, in grassy places.

Glabrous or slightly downy herbs. Stems 2-3 ft. branched. Radical—leaves 2-6 in. across, orbicular, long-stalked, divided