Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/130

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Stems long, slender, twining, hairy or nearly glabrous, often tinged with purple. Leaves l-2½in., ovate-cordate, acute, entire, nearly glabrous. Petiole l-3in., peduncles long, laxly 3- fid, l-3in., often 1 -flowered, rarely with 3-flowers. Bracts 1/6in., lanceolate, sub-persistent ; pedicels ¼-1½in. ; sepals ovate, subacute, nearly glabrous, ⅜in., ultimately broader obtuse, reflexed. Corolla ¾-lin., ochroleucous or white, with the plaits yellowish, always with a purple base ; tube narrow, mouth wide, glabrous. Anthers never twisted. Capsule ¼-⅓in., ovoid, subacute, glabrous, 2-.valved, 2-seeded, normally 4-seeded. Seeds densely softly brown, Velvety.

Uses :— The leaves have a pleasant smell and mucilaginous taste ; when toasted, powdered and boiled with ghi they are considered as a valuable application in aphthous affections (Ainslie.)

843. I. Sepiaria Koen. h.f.b.l, iv. 209 Roxb. 168.

Habitat :— Throughout India.

A perennial herb, glabrous or more or less hairy, Stems slender, twining. Leaves 1-3 in. long, ovate, acute, entire, base cordate, with a wide sinus and rounded lobes, petioles 1-2 in. long. Flowers many, in umbelliform long-peduncled cymes, peduncles 1-6 in. long; bracts small, caducous, pedicels clavate in fruit. Sepals about ¼ in. long, ovate, glabrous or slightly hairy, margins membranous, 2 outer rather shorter than the inner. Corolla narrowly funnel-shaped, pink or white with a purplish centre, about 1½ in. long, or more, limb suddenly widened at the mouth ; lobes acute, shortly apiculate. Filaments hairy at the base. Capsule ⅓ in. long, ovoid, glabrous. Seeds 4 or 2, clothed with grey silky hairs (Duthie).

Uses : — It has a reputation as an antidote to arsenic, the juice which is strongly acid, is said by Rheede to be used " ad purificationum corporis"

844. I. aquatica, Forsk. h.f.b.l, iv. 210; Roxb. 162.

Sans. : — Kalambi.

Vern. :— Kalmi-sák (B); Kalmi-ság, Nári_(N-W, P.) ;